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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Compression and the translation is 57% complete.

Esta página es sobre data compression as it relates to MediaWiki.


Es posible, con HTTP, comprimir las páginas individuales servidas. Lo tienen que soportar tanto el navegador como el servidor, y normalmente es negociado, (con la versión sin comprimir disponible). Esto está activado por defecto si el PHP tiene el soporte para zlib habilitado (no son requeridos mods de Apache). El insignificante tiempo de CPU dedicado a comprimir en el servidor es empequeñecido por cosas como cargar los scripts de PHP, y los ahorros de ancho de banda son considerables.

Para detalles véase Manual:$wgUseGzip y Manual:$wgDisableOutputCompression .


On or about 2004-02-20 the old table and archive table were changed to allow some articles in the history table to be compressed. Old entries marked with old_flags="gzip" have their old_text compressed with zlib's deflate algorithm, with no header bytes. PHP's gzinflate() will accept this text plainly; in Perl etc set the window size to -MAX_WSIZE to disable the header bytes.

Historiales de páginas

It is also possible to compress the history table in a way which exploits the similar data in the different versions, such as Reverse diff version control. See History compression for some actual numbers.

Compresión de caché

File cache talks about compression in the cached copies of pages. Now that the Wikimedia projects use squids, it's unclear how much of this is obsolete.