Help:Edit check


Edit check is a tool in the visual editor that suggests improvements to Wikipedia articles before the edit is published. It can be configured locally by interface admins.

This page is meant to equip people who seeking to understand, use, and/or contribute to the Edit Check project with the information and resources they need to do so.


  1. What editing interfaces is Edit Check being developed for? To start, Edit Check is being developed for the visual editor on both mobile and desktop.
  2. How does Edit Check and AbuseFilter relate? What are the distinctions between these two capabilities?[1][2][3]

Reference check[edit]

Reference check as of September 2023

If you add a large amount of text without any citations, the reference check will remind you to add a citation. This only works for edits made using the visual editor.

It can be configured to your wiki's needs.

The reference check was introduced in late 2023. Please report problems on the talk page.

Testing Reference check[edit]

  1. Edit any article in the main namespace using the visual editor.
    • The feature is only available for articles.
  2. Add &ecenable=1 to the URL in your browser.
    • Example:
  3. Reload the page with the new URL.
  4. Create a new paragraph, that is at least 50 characters long without adding a citation
  5. Press the Publish…
  6. Notice the prompt that appears
  7. ✅ Test is completed.
    • Don't save your edit unless you know what you are doing!

Tags used[edit]

We use the following tags in Recent Changes and Watchlist, so that users can identify edits where Edit Check was activated, and the reasons why a user decided not to add a citation.

EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed
EditCheck thinks new content was added to the page
Edit Check (references) activated
EditCheck thinks a reference might have been needed, and the UI was shown
Edit Check (references) declined (common knowledge)
EditCheck reference was declined as common knowledge
Edit Check (references) declined (other)
EditCheck reference was declined for an unlisted reason
Edit Check (references) declined (uncertain)
EditCheck reference was declined as being uncertain
Edit Check (references) declined (irrelevant)
EditCheck reference was declined as irrelevant

List of all tags


Communities can configure how Edit check works at their wiki.


All terms we use are defined in the glossary.
