Extension talk:Jira Ticket

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Latest comment: 9 years ago by in topic Where are the icons?


works fine. for others: The code must be (copy and paste 1:1)

* Links a single Jira ticket with status and priority into an article.
* Author : David Seymore with RNSolutions
* Version : 2008-03-11
* License : GPLv2 
* Modified by Stephane GALLAND
* 2010-07-19 for janus-project.org usage.
if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) {
  echo(" This file is an extension to the MediaWiki software and cannot be used standalone.\n" );
  die( -1 );
#SETUP - we need to know which thing we are looking at

 $wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
        'name' => 'JiraTicket',
        'author' => array('David Seymore', 'Stephane Galland'),
        'url' => 'http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Jira_Ticket',
        'description' => 'Jira Status & Priority icon parser.',
        'description' => 'Jira Status & Priority icon parser, modifier to work on janus-project.org.',
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfSetupJiraTicket";
function wfSetupJiraTicket() {
   global $wgParser;
     # register the extension with the WikiText parser
     # the first parameter is the name of the new tag.
     # In this case it defines the tag <jira>GS-1</jira>
     # the second parameter is the callback function for
     # processing the text between the tags

  $wgParser->setHook( 'jira', 'jiraTicket_render' );
 # The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function jiraTicket_render( $input='', $argv='', $parser=null, $frame ) {
      global  $jiraHost, $jiraUser, $jiraPass;
       # You can disable the cache, but, rememeber that this'll hit jira everytime the page is read.. not exactly that smart
       # resaving an article will automatically pull down the fresh status of the jira ticket. 
       # $parser->disableCache();

      # In case we are being called from within a template, we must first expand the parameter:
      $issueId = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $input, $frame );

      $jiraUrl = "$jiraHost/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl";

              try {
              $jiraSoap = new SoapClient($jiraUrl);
              $auth = $jiraSoap->login($jiraUser,$jiraPass);
              $issue = $jiraSoap->getIssue($auth,$issueId);
      catch(Exception $e) {
              return "<!-- ".$e->getMessage().
                      " --><span title=\"".$e->getMessage()."\"><s>$issueId</s></span>";
      $issuelabel = "$issueId";
        $output1 = '<a href="'.$jiraHost.'/browse/'.$issueId.'" alt="'.$issue->summary.'" title="'.$issue->summary.'">';
        $output2 = '</a>&nbsp;<img src="'.$jiraHost.'/images/icons/status_';
     #The status switch.. you may have reconfigured your custom statuses, so, edit here.. 
                 case 1:
                        $output2 .= 'open';
                 case 3:
                        $output2 .= 'inprogress';
                 case 4:  
                        $output2 .= 'reopened';
                 case 5:  
                        $output2 .= 'resolved';
                      $issuelabel = "<s>$issuelabel</s>";
                 case 6:
                        $output2 .= 'closed';
                      $issuelabel = "<s>$issuelabel</s>";
                        $output2 .= $issue->status;
        $output2 .= '.gif">';
     #The priority switch... you may have reconfigured your custom priorities, so, edit here...
        $output2 .= '<img src="'.$jiraHost.'/images/icons/priority_';
                 case 1:
                        $output2 .= 'blocker';
                 case 2:  
                        $output2 .= 'critical';
                 case 3:
                        $output2 .= 'major';
                 case 4:
                        $output2 .= 'minor';
                 case 5:
                        $output2 .= 'trivial';
                        $output2 .= $issue->priority;
        $output2 .= '.gif">';
  return "$output1$issuelabel$output2";

— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 14:57, 4 April 2011‎

Above updated by Christian Ettinger (talk · contribs) 06:43, 3 May 2011

No longer works for Version 1.20[edit]

Is this extension being maintained?

Where are the icons?[edit]

This extension (the version on this Talk page) is working fine with MW 1.23. For those of you still using it, is there a set of icons available online, or did you all make your own?

Thanks. --Salquint (talk) 15:23, 19 March 2015 (UTC)Reply

It appears to use the icons from Jira itself (i.e. cross-links the image from the jira server):

<img src="'.$jiraHost.'/images/icons/status_';
    #The status switch.. you may have reconfigured your custom statuses, so, edit here.. 
                 case 1:
                        $output2 .= 'open';
        $output2 .= '.gif">';

Assuming you have $jiraHost configured properly at the top of the file, this should result in something like: http://jira.yourDomain.tld/images/icons/status_open.gif. You should be able to directly hit that URL and see the resulting image. -- 17:28, 1 June 2015 (UTC)Reply