
From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:$wgDBmysql4 and the translation is 50% complete.
Specifické pro MySQL: $wgDBmysql4
Set to true to use enhanced fulltext search.
Zavedeno od verze:před 1.1.0
Nepoužívá se od verze:1.6.0
Odstraněno od verze:1.19.0
Povolené hodnoty:(boolean)
Výchozí hodnota:true (1.6-1.18)
false (1.1-1.5)


On versions of MediaWiki supporting MySQL 3.23.x, certain enhanced features like the boolean-mode fulltext search are used when this variable is set.

While still set for compatibility, the value is now ignored as of MediaWiki 1.6.0 since MySQL 3.x is no longer supported. From 1.6.0 the default value is set to true for compatibility reasons (so that extensions that check for the value of this setting get the right answer).

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