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Extension:Header Tabs/Version history

From mediawiki.org
Version Date Description
2.2.2 2023-09-18 More fixes for non-ASCII characters in tab names
2.2.1 2023-02-21 Improved handling for MW 1.38+; fix for non-ASCII characters in tab names
2.2 2022-01-27 Added $wgHeaderTabsNoTabsInTOC setting and <notabtoc/> tag function; changed tab names to appear as second-level, instead of first-level, headers in TOC; disabled header tabs within printable version; improved handling of non-ASCII characters in tab names within #switchtablink
2.1 2021-09-09 Improved handling for MW 1.35+, standardized HTML, added README
2.0 2020-08-25 Changed to use OOUI instead of jQuery UI, removed support for MW 1.32 and lower, removed $wgHeaderTabsStyle variable, removed HeaderTabs.php
1.3 2020-01-24 Removed support for MW 1.27 and lower, fixed handling for MW 1.34+, added "Timeless" style, JS fixes, turned HeaderTabs.php into a shim
1.2 2017-07-19 Added support for Resource Loader, removed I18n php shim as well as support for MW 1.22.x and lower
1.1 2016-02-29 Renamed global variables from $ht... to $wgHeaderTabs..., added use of extension.json
1.0.2 2015-05-01 Fix for tab names with "auto-number headings" setting
1.0.1 2014-07-17 Switched tab container tag from <p> to <div>
1.0 2014-05-19 i18n messages moved into JSON files, fixes for MW 1.22 and higher
0.9.3 2013-12-05 Support removed for MediaWiki 1.16, and for YUI
0.9.2 2012-04-24 Fix for #switchtablink when using jQuery UI
0.9.1 2012-03-09 Reduced page jumping during loading, magic-words loading updated, MW 1.16+ now required
0.9 2011-12-13 Extension:Configure support, new 1.17+ options: jquery to use RL, $htRenderSingleTab, $htAutomaticNamespaces, $htDefaultFirstTab, $htDisableDefaultToc, $htGenerateTabTocs, $htEditTabLink, $htStyle, style 'jquery-large', style 'bare', history navigation, mediawiki TOC links now work
0.8.3 2011-07-11 More fixes for special characters in tab names when using jQuery
0.8.2 2011-02-24 Fix for tabs with forward slashes in their names when using jQuery
0.8.1 2011-01-08 Security and bug fixes
0.8 2010-10-20 Added support for MediaWiki 1.17 and ResourceLoader
0.7 2010-04-28 Upgraded to YUI 2.8.0r4
0.6.6 2009-09-13 Fixed compatibility issues with MW 1.16
0.6.5 2008-09-02 Fixed the way another target is handled
0.6.4 2008-07-29 Added 3rd param to {{#switchtab}} to allow focusing on different header
0.6.3 2008-07-02 Fixed a bug with switchtablink using bogus $inout variable instead of $outout. Thanks for user report.
0.6.2 2008-06-25 Worked around MediaWiki bug that inserts in front of switchlinktab.
0.6.1 2008-06-20 Fixed a problem with IE7 opening CSS files loaded withing iframe in source viewer - now it uses blank HTML file instead
0.6 2008-05-09 Added {{#switchtablink}} parser function
0.5 2008-05-05 Upgraded to YUI version 2.5.1 which has History module in production, not beta
0.4 2008-04-08 Rolled back 0.2 changes because of some weird problem with cache. Not loading history JS library if $htUseHistory is set to false
0.3 2008-04-08 Now History can be disabled using $htUseHistory variable (true by default)
0.2 2008-04-08 All JS and CSS are inserted only when page has tabs
0.1 2008-03-20 Initial public release