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User:DKinzler (WMF)/REST Entity Path Guidelines

From mediawiki.org
This is a personal brain dump and not aligned with anyone

This document describes norms for REST API resource paths.

The path is the component of the URL that follows the API root [TBD: referens API address guidelines]. The path specifies the endpoint [TBD: ref gloassary] and the resource [TBD: ref gloassary] to interact with.


  • path element: ...
  • identifiers
    • must not be empty
  • resources vs entities: generally speaking, when a resource is requested, an entity is returned. A resources has persistent identity, it may change over time. An entity is identified by its content, it cannot change, it can only be replaced with another entity (compare etag spec).

Types of Resources[edit]

There are three basic types of resources:

  • singletons: a resource is a singleton, if only a single instance of this type of resource exist. The path of the singleton consists of just the name of the singleton, as a singlular noun. E.g. /site-info.
  • collections: a collection represents the set of all instances of a given type of resource. The path of a collection is the name of the type, as a plural noun. E.g. /users. A trailing slash (/) must be ignored or trigger a normalization redirect [TBD ref].
  • elements (of collections): a single instance of a given type of resources.The name of a collection element is the name of the type followed by the id of the element, e.g. /users/Davy502

Resoucres can be nested by allowing singletons and elements (but not collections) to contain singletons or collections. For instance, a user's contributions could be accessible as a nested collection: /users/{user-id}/contributions; And a cities coordinates could be accessible as a resource under /cities/Manchester/coordinates [TBD: not a good example!].

NOTE: Deep and complex nesting of resources should be avoided. Nesting must only be used if the sub-resources only exist as parent resource. If the nested resource can also be references by itself, it not be bested. [TBD: this could be clearer].

Naming Path Elements[edit]

Path elements that are not identifiers (path parameters) should:

  • be American English nouns.
  • use plural if it is a collection [NEW!] , and singular if it is a singleton.
  • use "kebab-case" if they are multi-word phrases.

Encoding and Escaping[edit]

Request bodies must be interpretet as using the UTF-8 encoding. Similarly, response bodies must be sent in UTF-8.

HTTP headers in the request and responses are ASCII only, see RFC 7230.

Request parameters [TBD: ref path parameters, query parameters] must be interpreted as UTF-8. Percent-encoding for representing special characters must be supported in both path parameters and query parameters.

If the response includes URLs in the body or header, any non-ascii or reserved characters must be escaped using percent encoding, per RFC 3986.