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Toolserver:~gregbard/philosobot/phillists/redlinks/extract all links.pl

From mediawiki.org

This page was moved from the Toolserver wiki.
Toolserver has been replaced by Toolforge. As such, the instructions here may no longer work, but may still be of historical interest.
Please help by updating examples, links, template links, etc. If a page is still relevant, move it to a normal title and leave a redirect.

 use strict;       # 'strict' insists that all variables be declared
 use diagnostics;       # 'diagnostics' expands the cryptic warnings
 undef $/; # undefines the separator. Can read one whole file in one scalar.
 use lib $ENV{HOME} . '../modules'; # path to perl modules
 use lib $ENV{HOME} . '../phillists';
 require 'bin/perlwikipedia_utils.pl';
 require "read_from_write_to_disk.pl";
 use open 'utf8';
 # write a list of links (red and blue) showing up in phil articles. For each
 # link, memorize in how many articles it shows up.
 my ($Editor, $article, $text, $count, @local_links, $link, %links, @articles, %local_hash);


 # get the list of phil articles
 open (FILE, "<", "../All_philosophy.txt");    @articles=split ("\n", <FILE>);
 open (FILE, "<", "../All_philosophers.txt"); @articles=(@articles, split ("\n", <FILE>));  close(FILE);

 foreach $article (@articles) {

 next if ($article =~ /^\s*$/); # ignore empty lines
 print "--------------------------now in $article\n";

 $text = &read_from_disk_or_wikipedia($Editor, $article);

 # make a local hash containing all links which show up in this article
 @local_links = ($text =~ /\[\[\s*(.*?)\s*[\#\|\]]/g);
 foreach $link (@local_links){

 next if ($link =~ /^\s*$/); # ignore empty links
 next if ($link =~ /:/);     # look only at links in the article namespace

 $link =~ s/^(.)/uc($1)/eg;
 $link =~ s/_/ /g;

 $local_hash {$link}++;

 # adding things to %local_hash first, and to %hash later, makes
 # sure that if a link shows up many times in an article it is
 # still counted only once in %links
 foreach $link (keys %local_hash){

 # code very useful for debugging, don't delete
 #last if ($count > 400);

 # write to disk. Links which show up more often come on top.
 open (FILE, ">", "Links.txt");
 foreach $link ( sort { $links{$b} <=> $links{$a} } keys %links ){
 print FILE "\[\[$link\]\] -- $links{$link}\n";

Category:Tools by Gregbard