Extension talk:NukeDPL/Archive

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attempted to install[edit]

I attempted to install this on MediaWiki 1.9.2 but am having no success.

What version was it coded for?

My problem is that I'm getting nothing showing up on my Special Page. The Dynamic Page List extension works and I tested that. But I'm getting no NukeDPL page in my special page list (neither in all nor restricted sections.) Any ideas?

-- - 21:51, 11 July 2007‎

I've changed the special-page structure from the Extension:Nuke format which it was based on to the special page template we use which seems to work better, so try it now. --Nad 23:18, 11 July 2007 (UTC)Reply

First page in list missing[edit]

I installed Extension:DynamicPageList 1.4.5 and Extension:NukeDPL 1.1.0 on MW 1.10.1 and a query like


yields all pages in category Foo, so DPL seems to be working fine. However, when I use the same condition (category=Foo) on the Special:NukeDPL page, the first page in that category is missing. A bug somewhere? --Rcalmbac 03:23, 3 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

This bug has just been fixed, download the latest version of NukeDPL from their site! Capmo 05:00, 16 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

DPL works NukeDPL just gives %PAGE%[edit]


I tested my DPL query on a test page and it´s working there:

  notuses=Template:My Data

Unfortunately NukeDPL (latest version from march) shows me one entry %PAGE% in the preview. Since I don´t really understand the passage on line 159 of the source, perhaps one of you has an idea:

$query = trim( $query ) . "\nmode=userformat\nlistseparators=,\\n$$$%PAGE%$$$,,\n";
Same to me. Any idea?--Juan de Vojníkov 15:13, 1 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

Having %PAGE% Issues as well[edit]

As far as I can see in the code the

$query = trim( $query ) . "\nmode=userformat\nlistseparators=,\\n$$$%PAGE%$$$,,\n";

section changes the output of the DPL query in order for NukeDPL to be able to show the pages. It seems NukeDPL is not able to get any results from my queries.

I'm running MediaWiki 1.15.1 with Latest DPL version and Latest NukeDPL on WOS (WAMP). Any ideas on how to solve this issue are more than welcome!

  If I copy/paste the (colored) PHP code from http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/Extension:NukeDPL.php I
  run into the same %PAGE% problem. If I click on "View Source" and copy/paste the (uncolored) PHP code from 
  http://www.organicdesign.co.nz/wiki/index.php?title=Extension:NukeDPL.php&action=edit everything works!
Good call. I've replaced it with a plain link for now. GreenReaper 01:24, 7 October 2009 (UTC)Reply
So you want to say, that we should copy paste the second code to our index.php?--Juan de Vojníkov 15:16, 1 May 2011 (UTC)Reply
Neither this option works to me.--Juan de Vojníkov 15:24, 1 May 2011 (UTC)Reply

I was getting the return of simply %PAGE% as well. As it turns out I had to install Extension:DynamicPageList (third-party). Without this, my wiki had no idea how to use the <dpl> query.

Yes. You need Extension:DynamicPageList (third-party). That should certainly be added as an installation step on this page. I'll do that -- Harry Wood (talk) 17:47, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Permission Error[edit]

When I try to access Special:NukeDPL I get the following error message:

Permission error

You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested. 

I'm logged in as a user who is a member of the Administrators group. Any idea what might be causing this? --Gkullberg 20:01, 28 October 2010 (UTC)Reply

No success[edit]

Had mediawiki-1.14-something, tried to install NukeDPL, kept getting %PAGE%, upgraded to 1.17.0, keep getting error 500. Both DPLs work correctly (this and this, one at a time; which one do I actually need, specify it in the requirements, please). What else could have gone wrong? Chad.

wfElement -> Xml::element[edit]

wfElement has been deprecated for a while and is removed in 1.17. Replacing each instance of it in the code with Xml::element should work. GreenReaper 10:49, 21 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thanks. Thats' fixed in Extension:NukeDPL/Version 1.2.3 -- Harry Wood (talk) 17:46, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfelement() in NukeDPL[edit]

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wfelement() in $MyPath/extensions/NukeDPL/NukeDPL.php on line 105

Any suggestions?

It seems that wfElement() is deprecated in favor of Xml::element() (see http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/wiki/mediawik,i/104071, as well as the above post wfElement -> Xml::element). I replaced all instances of wfElement() with Xml::element(), and it seems that it works now on my MW version 1.19.1.
Thanks. Worked for me too. I've applied that as new version of the code here: Extension:NukeDPL/Version 1.2.3 (along with the permissions fix mentioned below) -- Harry Wood (talk) 02:30, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Permissions Do Nothing[edit]

Yeah, I just installed this and deleted a whole bunch of pages as an unregistered user. Please fix this, because it's a show-stopping bug.

Hah! Well spotted. Anyone with this installed should probably check that! I've fixed this in Extension:NukeDPL/Version 1.2.3 . Looks like someone forgot to pass in the name of the rights in the __construct line. -- Harry Wood (talk) 02:30, 25 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Delete matching content[edit]

I was trying to use the includematch or includematchregexp clauses to find spam and delete it. It took me hours to figure out how to do this ( includepage=*), and the results were rather unsatisfactory. e.g. I found I could do a query like this:


That finds any page with viagra in the title and 'pharmacy' in the content. Maybe thats useful to somebody but...

If I want to just search for pharmacy in the content, this is more awkward. I think what it does is, 'titlematch' forms the base SQL query, and it later applies an additional post-filter by page content. If I do a very general titlematch e.g. (titlematch=% to match all pages), then this base SQL result has a limit of 500 applied, which can mean that after post-filtering it finds nothing, even though my wiki is stuffed full of pharmacy mentions.

I thought de-spam nuking by simple content match would be easier.

-- Harry Wood (talk) 18:03, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Mass delete of file/images?[edit]

Can this extension be used to bulk delete files (pages and images combined)? Or, is there another extension/bot for this task? T0lk (talk) 00:32, 26 August 2015 (UTC)Reply