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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Codesearch and the translation is 100% complete.
2019 Winnaar Coolest Tool Award
in de categorie

MediaWiki code search is een geheel gratis software tool waarmee je gemakkelijk door alles kan zoeken van MediaWiki core, extensies, en skins die gehosted worden op Gerrit. U kunt het zoeken beperken tot specifiek repositories maar ook types van repositories. Reguliere expressies worden ondersteund bij zowel de zoek string en bij het het filteren op path.

Uitproberen: https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/


Codesearch uses Hound as the search implementation. It indexes the origin/master branch of all specified repositories, and updates them every 90 minutes, and adds new repositories every 24 hours. Each search profile is backed by a different instance of hound. A small Python Flask server acts as the proxy for the web frontend, backed by gunicorn, to the individual hound instances.

Inbegrepen repositories

  • MediaWiki core.
  • MediaWiki extensions hosted in Gerrit (except those marked as read-only).
  • MediaWiki extensions hosted elsewhere, if listed by MWStake.
  • MediaWiki skins hosted in Gerrit (except those marked as read-only).
  • Milkshake repositories (from GitHub).
  • OOjs Core and OOUI (from Gerrit).
  • translatewiki.net configuration (from Gerrit).
  • Software services by WMF SRE, Performance, and Analytics hosted in Gerrit.
  • Configuration for MediaWiki and SRE instructure at WMF (e.g. operations/puppet, operations/dns, and operations/mediawiki-config from Gerrit).
  • ArmchairGM repos (hidden by default, access directly via https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/armchairgm/)
  • Pywikibot repositories (from Gerrit).

Additional repositories can be added upon request. Note that submodules must be indexed seperately if desired (T188023).

To discover MediaWiki extensions and skins hosted in Gerrit, Codesearch uses the extdistrepos API.


The current project administrators are Addshore, Derick Alangi, Ladsgroup, Legoktm, MaxSem, Andrew Bogott, Rush and Prtksxna. Documentation on the operation/administration of codesearch is available at Codesearch/Admin.


  • Codesearch (GitHub mirror), available under the terms of the GPL v3 or any later version.
  • Hound, available under the terms of the MIT license.

Bugs en functieverzoeken

Please file them in the Phabricator project.

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