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Wikimedia Research/Goals

From mediawiki.org



Our departmental goals are captured on a quarterly basis for each fiscal year (Q1: July-September; Q2: October-December; Q3: January-March; Q4: April-June). This is an overview of our goals by quarter for each team. For our goals in the Wikimedia Foundation's annual plan, see this phabricator board.

FY 2017-18


October - December 2017 (Q2)


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ] [Wikimedia Research annual plan overview]

Annual Program/Outcome Quarterly Objective Tech Goal Team Goal Dependencies Team Members ETA Status
Program 4: Technical community building.

Outcome 2: The adoption of Wikimedia technology can be reliably measured

Objective 1: Design a set of formal KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure the growth and diversity of our technology audience (T171220)

Outcome 4: The collaboration with research in industry and academics is further scaled and supported.

Objective 1: Organize and host the annual Wiki Research Workshop. (T171118)

  • Conduct structured interviews with team leads in Tech involved in building platforms with an externally-facing audience and get them to articulate who their core audience is, and how to characterize adoption of their platforms. (T174733)
  • Write and submit a workshop proposal for the Web Conference (T174741)
  • Write a call for papers for Wiki Workshop 2018 (T174743)
  • Invite reviewers to review workshop submissions (T174744)
  • Tech Management
  • Admin
  • Workshop co-organizers
  • Jonathan
  • Dario
  • Leila
EOQ In progress In progress
Program 9: Growing Wikipedia Across Languages.

Outcome 1: Surface relevant information about the articles to editors at the time of editing with the goal of helping editathon organizers

Objective 1: Build, improve, and expand algorithms that can provide more detailed recommendations to editors about how an article could be expanded. (T171224)

Objective 2: Develop and gather design requirements for how the algorithms’ results should be exposed to the editors. (T171225)

  • Build a prediction model to predict section ranks within category (T174737)
  • Build a tool for article expansion recommendations and run a test for editors and editathon organizers (T174739)
  • Submit a paper on article expansion recommendations, write a blog post, assess if any data release is helpful (T174736)
  • External collaborators (Bob West, Michele Catasta, Tiziano Piccardi)
  • Baha
  • Leila
  • Diego
EOQ In progress In progress
Program 11: Improving citations across Wikimedia projects.

Outcome 1: Quantitative research is available to help Wikipedia and Wikidata contributors focus and prioritize their sourcing efforts.

Objective 1: Estimate what proportion of content in Wikipedia or Wikidata is unsourced and in need of citations.

Outcome 3: Outreach activities continue to ensure community and technical efforts are aligned

Objective 1: Fundraise for, and host the 3rd annual meeting in the WikiCite series

  • Publish a rich dataset on citation contexts to support additional research on Wikipedia sourcing gaps (T175663)
  • Write a report for the funders and fundraise for WikiCite 2018 (T174750)
  • External Collaborators (Andrea Forte, Meen Chul Kim)
  • Admin
  • WikiCite co-organizers
  • Scoring platform (Aaron)
  • Dario
EOQ In progress In progress
Cross Departmental: Structured Data on Commons.
(Segment 4: Programs)

Outcome 2: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for Structured Commons (T152248)

  • Conduct survey of GLAM Commons contributors' workflows, wants and needs (T175188)
  • Interview 6-10 volunteer contributors to Wikimedia Commons to understand current workflows and impact of structured data (T175185)
  • Structured Data program management
  • Jonathan
EOQ In progress In progress
Cross Departmental: Community Health.
(Segment 3: Research)

Outcome 1: We aim to understand and model the characteristics of harassment in Wikimedia projects.

Objective 1: Conduct research to characterize and model wikihounding. (T171249)

Objective 2: Prototype new models to facilitate sockpuppet detection and the classification of toxic discussions. (T171251)

  • Analyze editor-editor interactions for instances of wikihounding (T175664)
  • Publish an annotated dataset of conversation structures on English Wikipedia talk pages and submit a paper on early indicators of toxic conversations (T175666)
  • Prototype new models to facilitate sockpuppet detection (T171635)
  • Community Tech
  • Support and Safety
  • External collaborators (Lucas Dixon, Nithum Thain, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Yiqing Hua, Srijan Kumar)
  • Diego
  • Dario
EOQ In progress In progress

July - September 2017 (Q1)


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ] [Wikimedia Research annual plan overview]

Annual Program/Outcome Quarterly Objective Tech Goal Team Goal Dependencies Team Members ETA Status
Program 12: Grow contributor diversity.

Outcome 1: We improve Wikipedia’s contributor diversity after designing and testing potential intervention(s).

Objective 1: Identify the underlying (potential) causes of lack of representative contribution from certain demographics T166083

Objective 2: Design frameworks to change the current socio-technical infrastructure to address at least one of the underlying causes of lack of representativeness

  • Create one or more formal collaborations for this research (T166085)
  • Perform a literature review and potentially run survey(s) to identify the self-reported causes of imbalanced representation in contribution (T175215)
  • Initiate the design of a framework to address one of the identified/hypothesized causes of imbalance in contributor demographics, if time permits. (Stretch)
  • Run a couple of quick surveys to get a better sense of where in the pipeline we start loosing diversity. (Stretch)
  • External collaborators (Bob and Jerome)
  • Leila
EOQ Yes Done

The second stretch goal is under review and may move to the next quarter depending on its engineering needs. This latter goal is a nice-to-have that we can afford to drop if needed.

Program 9: Growing Wikipedia across languages via recommendations.

Outcome 1: Surface relevant information about the articles to editors at the time of editing with the goal of helping editathon organizers

Objective 1: Build, improve, and expand algorithms the can provide more detailed recommendations to editors and editathon organizers on how to expand articles/family-of-articles

  • Clean up the category system for machine consumption (this has been the focus for the past few months and we are very close to have a solution)
  • Start surfacing recommendations to collect feedback from editathon organizers (T174738)
  • External collaborators (Bob, Michele, Tiziano)
  • Leila
Yes Done
Cross Departmental: Structured Data on Commons. Segment 4: Programs.

Outcome 2: Develop a better understanding of existing needs for Structured Commons (task T152248)

  • Develop interview protocol
  • interview 6-8 GLAM stakeholders
  • Share initial user stories and research themes at Structured Data offsite
  • Jonathan
EOQ In progress In progress

FY 2016-17


April - June 2017 (Q4)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

AI as a service

  • Contractors/interns
  • Formal collaborators
EOQ Yes Done

Research discoverability

  • Develop all contents for a landing page to improve the discoverability of Wikimedia Research. (T161560)
  • Contractors/interns
  • Design Research
EOQ In progress In progress

Annual workshops and outreach

  • Host the annual Wiki Research Workshop at WWW '17 (Perth, April 2016)
  • Host the WikiCite '17 event (Vienna, May 2016). (T144291)
  • Co-organizers
  • Conference hosts
EOQ Yes Done

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Generative research

  • Structured Data for Commons
    • Interviews with GLAM representatives to identify user requirements for new batch upload features on Wikimedia Commons
  • New editor experience
    • Analysis of prior research to bring forward what we know and don't know about new editor retention.
    • Design and implementation of contextual inquiry in South Korea and Czech Republic to learn more about new editor retention in mid sized wikis.
    • Author and share findings from the research
  • Movement Strategy: Consultation and ad hoc support for contextual inquiries in Brazil and Indonesia to inform Movement Strategy, track D.
  • Structured Data Program
  • Editing team and Reboot
  • Movement Strategy Track D team and Reboot
EOQ In progress In progress

Evaluative research

  • User evaluation of Recommender systems
    • Identify a set of recommendation-driven features to evaluate in FY17/18, define evaluation goals, methods, and timelines
  • New readers
    • Move offline concepts toward usability and usefulness for new readers, consulting with Mobile Web team as needed for evaluative research.
    • Contribute design research perspectives and collaboration with Awareness and Affordability tracks as needed.
  • Research & Data
  • Scoring Platform (ORES)
  • New Readers team
EOQ In progress In progress

Research communication

  • perform stakeholder interviews and draft key content for research landing page
  • Technical writer (contractor)
EOQ In progress In progress

January - March 2017 (Q3)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status


  • A report (or reports) assessing the software architecture and software quality of the ORES platform (service, extension, and so forth).
  • Complete a paper draft on ORES socio-technical AI
  • Reading Infrastructure
EOQ In progress In progress

Stub recommendations

  • Design a model predicting articles that need to be expanded in English Wikipedia and expand to other languages
  • Prototype recommender design
  • Formal collaborators (EPFL)
EOQ In progress In progress

Recommender system evaluation

  • Develop and pilot a methodology for comparative evaluation of search/recommendation algorithms
  • Reading
  • Design Research
EOQ In progress In progress

Annual workshops and outreach

  • Host a session on "Artificial Intelligence to build and navigate content"" at the Wikimedia Dev Summit 2017
  • Organize the annual Wiki Research Workshop at WWW '17
  • Organize the WikiCite '17 event
  • Co-organizers
  • Conference hosts
EOQ In progress In progress

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Generative research

New Readers next steps
  • Evaluative research in country for offline concepts
  • Concept generation and evaluation of affordability findings
  • Consultations with Comms on awareness findings

Audience project

  • Collaborate on next steps
  • New Readers teams
EOQ Yes Done

Participant outreach

  • Add 1,000 new participants to the Design Research database
  • Leverage WMF social media accounts
  • Start a physical campaign
  • Communications
  • Design researchers (Product)
EOQ In progress In progress

Understanding editing culture

  • Document content curation workflows on Wikimedia Commons to inform development micro-contribution features T152248
  • Perform and publish analysis of the quality of new editor support provided at Wikipedia Teahouse T132809
  • Perform and publish expanded analysis of the impact of Teahouse on new editor retention T127523
  • Research and Data
EOQ In progress In progress

Recommender Evaluation

  • Develop and pilot a methodology for comparative evaluation of search/recommendation algorithms
  • RelatedPages study plan T142009
  • Dev Summit proposal T149373
  • Research and Data
  • Reading
EOQ In progress In progress

October - December 2016 (Q2)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status


  • Implement probabilistic grammar for "vandalism", "spam", "attack", and "featured" sentences (T144636)
  • Build new draft article quality model for splitting concerning creations ("spam", "vandalism", "attack") from OK drafts (T148038)
  • Editing (Collaboration)
EOQ In progress In progress

Discussion modeling

  • Analyze the impact of personal attacks and aggression on editor retention (T127531)
  • Paper submission
  • Formal collaboration (Jigsaw)
EOQ In progress In progress

Reader segmentation research

  • Taxonomy of Wikipedia readers
  • Taxonomy of Wikipedia articles with respect to the readership
  • Paper submission and presentation of additional results.
  • Formal collaboration (GESIS)
EOQ In progress In progress


  • Fundraise for and organize the 2017 event (to be held in Q4). (T144291)
  • Advancement (Foundations and Major Gifts)
EOQ In progress In progress

Stub recommendation

  • Formalize new research collaboration
  • Expand research on recommender systems to stub expansion (Start)
  • Formal collaboration (EPFL)
EOQ In progress In progress

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

New Reader research

  • Collaborate with New Readers core team on concept evaluation (against data from the field and with users we are building for) and iteration, focusing in on 1-3 concepts each for 2 of the 24 findings from research. T144016
  • Reading
  • Global Reach
  • Communications
  • Community Engagement
end of Q2 Yes Done

New editor support

  • Provide concept development support for Edit Review Improvements project T137987
  • Perform and publish analysis of the quality of new editor support provided at Wikipedia Teahouse T132809
  • Perform and publish expanded analysis of the impact of Teahouse on new editor retention T127523
  • Research & Data
  • Editing (Collaboration)
end of Q2 In progress In progress

Design Research policy updates

  • Implement data audit process to ensure compliance with WMF data retention guidelines and privacy policy T143234
  • Draft general on-wiki privacy statement for design research user studies (generative and evaluative) T144641
  • Update user study consent forms T144642
  • Editing (design researcher)
  • Reading (design researcher)
mid Q2 Yes Done

Persona development

  • Work with various stake holders on how to use personas T141113
  • Product (designers, researchers, PMs, engineers)
end of Q2 Yes Done

July - September 2016 (Q1)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Revscoring in production

  • ORES extension deployed on 6 wikis (T140002)
  • Write a comprehensive story on ORES (covering productization and research reports) (T140429)
  • Release historical article score data; explore score preparation for ingestion into ElasticSearch (T135684)
  • Ops/DBA
  • Comms
EOQ Yes Done

Open Notebooks Infrastructure (T140430)

  • Define, monitor and ensure PAWS availability of not less than 0.5% less than Labs' NFS availability over a rolling 30d window
  • Release a set of notebooks showcasing analysis that can be performed on PAWS by 2nd month of Q1
  • Publish an announcement and call-to-action targeted at research community in 3rd month of Q1
  • Ops (Labs)
EOQ In progress In progress

Discussion modeling

  • Design and evaluate attack and aggressiveness models on article talk comments (T139703)
  • Release notebooks; write up and present results (T139704)
  • None
EOQ In progress In progress

Productize the article recommendation API

  • Stable version of production-ready article recommendation API (T140431)
  • None
EOQ In progress In progress

Research landing page (stretch)

  • Complete information architecture, audience analysis and draft of preliminary contents for a landing page for Wikimedia Research
  • Design Research
EOQ In progress In progress

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Product Research

  • Deliver design requirements, heuristic evaluations, and user study findings for key products across Reading, Editing, and Discovery.
  • Product teams: Mobile Apps, Desktop & Web, VE, Collaboration, Discovery
end of Q1 Yes Done

Generative Research

  • Analyze and share results of Mexico, Nigeria, and India contextual inquiries T132799
  • New Readers project concept development and evaluation and collaboration on product iteration (in collaboration with Reading, Global Reach, Communications) based on contextual inquiries in South Africa, Mexico, Nigeria and India. Explore and evaluate 1-3 concepts coming out of the contextual inquiries with the goal of deciding on 1 concept to focus on by the end of the quarter. This work will involve researching what has been done in both wiki projects and in the market in general around the product area we decide to focus on as well as the possibility of new concepts and/or products. T129201 T132800 T132801
  • Reading, Global Reach, Communications (teams) and ReBoot (external contractor)
mid Q1 Yes Done

Research capacity building

  • Implement user testing tools to support moderated and unmoderated user testing on desktop and mobile (apps and web)
  • Experiment with recruiting research participants through Wikimedia/Wikipedia social media channels
  • funding for testing tool (annual subscription or a la carte)
  • Communications team
end of Q1 Yes Done

Research data mapping (stretch)

  • Document the sources of user data we manage, how we store it, and what potentially personally identifiable information it contains.
  • Ensure all archived user study data is retained and shared in compliance with WMF data retention policy and privacy policy.
  • Draft data access guidelines to inform our future data collection and dissemination practices.
  • Security team, Legal team, Research & Data team
end of Q1 Yes Done

FY 2015-16


April - June 2016 (Q4)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

revscoring in production

  • ORES Extension deployed to 2+ wikis (T130210)
  • Ops
EOQ Yes Done

Discussion modeling

  • publicly release cleaned dataset of all user talk diffs
  • analyze user_talk editing behavior of users blocked for harassment/personal attacks
  • label user talk posts for tone (friendly to aggressive) and for whether it's an example of harassment/personal attack
  • Community Engagement
EOQ In progress In progress

Research outreach

  • host a joint research workshop (Wiki Workshop 2016) at WWW '16 and ICWSM '16
  • host WikiCite – a technical event/hackathon focused on extraction and data modeling of Wikipedia citation data (T125186)
May 2016 Yes Done

Reader segmentation research

  • Deepen our understanding of Wikipedia readers by a quarter-long focused research on the data collected via the large scale English survey
  • (Stretch) Run the large scale English survey in one more language.
  • Reading (for the stretch goal)
May 2016 In progress In progress

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status
Personas -

Use them in product development,

and iterate pragmatic personas.

  • Support the use of personas in product development.
  • Analysis on the collected Reader, New Editor and deep dive (New Readers) personas.
EOQ not completed
Maintain evaluative design research projects with Editing, Reading, Search and Community Engagement teams
  • Continue to mature collaboration between design research and product teams (make our system more lean)
  • Continue to mentor and coach teams that do not have design support, to do design research (PC&L particularly this quarter)
  • Continue to provide evaluative research to official product teams (Reading, Editing, Search)
  • Functional collaboration and good planning with product (Reading, Editing and Search) teams.
  • TPG support to collaborate toward leaner and more effective collaboration with product teams.
EOQ In progress In progress
Deep dive / contextual inquiry in Nigeria and India
  • Forward our deep dive / contextual inquiry process and method to be a repeatable practice implementable by WMF.
  • Bring data and stories about New Readers in Nigeria and India back to WMF and the movement.
  • Start to look across deep dives (South Africa, Mexico and Nigeria and India) for patterns and for differences between various regions visited.
Collaboration with Communications, Partnerships and Reading team and Reboot (external consultant). EOQ Done
Continue, Complete Collaboration with UW on Survey
  • Deploy survey to 200 or more students at the University of Washington
  • Analyze and publish results on Wiki
  • External collaborators
EOQ done
Create a project plan and understand dependencies and resource needs for benchmarking.
  • Pick up where we left off, using the work completed before to create a stable testing environment.
  • Make a plan to create a stable testing environment usable for iterative unmoderated, remote testing as well as benchmarking (mobile and desktop) and mobile field research.
  • Prepare to run pilots with UserZoom and Loop11 (and any other possible tools).
  • funding for tooling
  • tooling working on mediawiki software (necessitates a pilot)
EOQ Done

January - March 2016 (Q3)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Extend revision scoring to support new models and languages

  • Ops (Labs)
EOQ In progress In progress

Run and analyze a content creation campaign

None EOQ N Not done

Reader segmentation research

  • Reading
EOQ Yes Done

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status

Production Work

  • Provide generative and evaluative design research in support of human centered product development. (board)
    • Contextual Inquiry in Mexico
    • Evaluative research when needed by teams
    • Generative interviews on going
Being able to collaborate with product teams.

Budget from Reading team for contextual inquiry in Mexico.

Yes Done

Persona Iteration

  • Continue to iterate our set of pragmatic personas into personas informed by qualitative research. (board)
Participants showing up to interviews. EOQ In progress In progress

Mentoring non

design researchers

  • Mentoring non design researchers to do quality design research. (board)
    • Sherah Smith in Reading
    • UI Standardization team (May Tee and Volker Eckl)
    • Program Toolkits Team
Willing and able mentees. EOQ
Yes Done

External Collaborations

  • External Collaboration with University of Washington: Better understand university students and their needs around learning online. (T120760)
Collaboration with Professor and students at UW. EOQ In progress In progress

October - December 2015 (Q2)


Research & Data


Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key results Dependencies ETA Status

Streamline ownership of research / data-related work

Publish a map for internal use of who is responsible for specific requests around research and analytics. (T112317)
  • Team / department leads
10/1-10/31 In progress In progress

Revscoring integration

Bring revscoring to fruition to our users as a Beta Feature (score integration into RC feed) (T112856)
  • Ops
  • Design
  • Discovery
EOQ In progress In progress

Productize article and link recommender systems

Article creation (T112321) and link (T112322) recommendation productized as services so they can be integrated with products and community tools.
  • Ops
  • Editing
EOQ In progress In progress

Value-added research

Deliver research on historical data to quantify who adds value  to English Wikipedia (T99172)
  • Altiscale cluster
EOQ In progress In progress

Reader segmentation research (stretch)

Deliver research on reader segments and behavioral patterns (T112326)
  • Analytics Dev (spiky cluster usage)
  • Research fellows
EOQ In progress In progress

Design Research


Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependencies ETA Status

Mentor people to do quality design research (those not on DR team).

One person outside the design research team does a complete design research project to DR team standards, expanding the number of people who do design research well.
  • Person outside the DR team having capacity to do a design research project.
EOQ Yes Done

Design Research workshop to build collaboration capacity with product teams.

Workshop happens, and product teams learn more about collaboration with Design Research and vice versa.
  • Availability of workshop participants to attend (track leads, managers and individual contributors from each product track).
MidQ Yes Done

Improve participant recruitment process

Implement changes to reduce steps in recruitment (of design research participants) process to make recruiting more efficient.
  • n/a
EOQ Yes Done

Collaborate with product teams to implement design research projects.

Design Research has done design research projects in collaboration with product teams to inform human centered product development.
  • All product teams we collaborate with
  • Research participants show up to research sessions (volunteers)
EOQ Yes Done

Persona interviews

12 persona interviews completed
  • Design research participants show up to research sessions (volunteers)
EOQ Incomplete Partially done

July - September 2015 (Q1)


Research & Data


Our focus in Q1 will be on scaling up and evaluating data-intensive services the team has been designing: an edit and article quality classification API and recommender systems for article creation. Time permitting, we will kick off a project to measure who adds value to Wikipedia and iterate on article creation recommendations, as stretch goals.

Goal setting process owner: Dario Taraborelli [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status
Productize revscoring and wiki labels
  • The stable version of production-ready ORES service up and running on Labs
  • Labs
End of Q1 Yes Done
Run controlled tests of article translation recommendations
  • Run a pilot with WMF staff
  • Run and analyze the results of live tests in Spanish, French and Polish Wikipedia
  • Community Liaison
  • Language Engineering
End of Q1 Yes Done
Measuring value added (stretch)
  • Perform historical analysis on who adds value to Wikipedia


End of Q1 In progress In progress (moved to next Q)
Re-train and productize article translation recommendations (stretch)
  • Improving the algorithm based on user feedback
  • Integrate the algorithm in Content Translation
  • Community Liaison
  • Language Engineering
End of Q1 In progress In progress (moved to next Q)

Design Research


Our focus in Q1 will be to coordinate and implement both evaluative and generative design research for the prioritized product track projects as well as iterating our pragmatic personas toward being fully researched Personas. Time permitting, we will mentor and collaborate with designers and prototypers toward doing usability testing for thier track teams, and we will grow our participant database.

Goal setting process owner: Abbey Ripstra [ Wikimedia Research goals overview ]

Objective Key result Dependency ETA Status
Support prioritized user facing product projects with track teams by doing generative research (exploring and better understanding user needs, context and pain points) and evaluative research (evaluating concepts and functionality with specific users for usability and how they support needs.)
  • Research reports with recommendations and information useful for concept development and product iteration considering specific users.
  • Collaboration on timing, expectations, priorities and the research with product track teams.
end of Q1 Yes Done
Iterate the set of pragmatic personas developed in Q4 FY15 toward fully researched personas.
  • 12 persona interviews moving our pragmatic personas to more closely reflect the humans we are building for.
  • Community liaisons and others to connect us with the right people to interview
  • Participants being able to get on technology so we can interview them, as there is no budget to travel and meet them.
end of Q1 Incomplete Partially done
Teach and mentor more designers and protoypers to do evaluative research (usability testing) to support user friendly, intuitive product development within the track teams. (Stretch)
  • Two designers or prototypers having done 2 or more usability tests for their teams with support from the design research team.
Collaboration and willingness from designers and prototypers on track teams. Yes Done
Grow our participant database. (Stretch)
  • Gain 1000 more volunteer participants (in our participant "database") to collaborate with in design research projects.
  • Fundraising and other teams to coordinate banners, and other outreach efforts (mass message, etc) with.
Yes Done