

Hello 👋. I'm Shashwat!

Everyone loves a good bio, so here’s mine — I’m a student at the Indian Institute of Information Technology in Pune, India pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I code primarily for the Web but as part of my curriculum, I’ve also had to work on “lower-level” technologies such as C++, Rust, WebAssembly, etc. I list some of my projects here.

Outside of college and work, I like to read fiction(Goodreads here) and travel with friends and family. I don’t really play video games, but I do enjoy a good game of chess(Shashwat312 on Lichess) every now and then.

You can find me on Github here and can checkout my blog here

GSoC 23[edit]

My proposal was accepted for GSoC 2023. You can find it here - Improve Programs & Events Dashboard UX for Article Scoped Programs

Here are the Bi-Weekly posts I wrote during my internship. They go into considerable detail the work I did during that time.

GSoC 22[edit]

My proposal was accepted for GSoC 2022. You can find it here - Modernize JavaScript build process and dependencies for Wiki Education Dashboard

Here are the Bi-Weekly posts I wrote during my internship. They go into considerable detail the work I did during that time.

  1. Report 1
  2. Report 2
  3. Report 3
  4. Report 4
  5. Report 5

If you're in a hurry, you can also check out the Final Report, which covers all the major things I did during the 3 month internship.