User:JHernandez (WMF)/Compressed JS comparison


Size comparison between minification performed by resource loader using uglify JS and using Node's uglify js via webpack.


File Bytes Bytes % Gzip -9 Gzip Bytes %
ResourceLoader minified 57963 100% 14839 100%
Node uglify-js 2.3.6 minified 34598 59.69% (40.31% smaller) 11711 78.9% (21.1% smaller)


Node's uglify produces 40% smaller code, being 20% after gzip.

Upon inspection on the compiled files, main reason seems to be because of mangling being enabled on the node version, as it seems to be safe now (in the past it was considered unsafe and not recommended). Unsure about if there are other changes on the node version that help make the bundler smaller.

Test 8 May 2017[edit]

File Bytes Bytes % Gzip -9 Gzip Bytes %
ResourceLoader minified 57670 100% 14580 100%
Node uglify-js 2.8.22 minified 33578 58.22% (41.78% smaller) 10815 74.17% (25.83% smaller)