
  * @date: 2010-11-01
  * @version: 0.9 (by hummel-riegel)
  * See for more information
  * Extension to allow Graphviz to work inside MediaWiki.
  * This Version is based on CoffMan's nice Graphviz Extension.
  * Licence:
  * Configuration
  *  These settings can be overwritten in LocalSettings.php.
  *  Configuration must be done AFTER including this extension using
  *  require("extensions/Graphviz.php");
  *  $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath
  *    Describes where your actual (dot) executable remains.
  *    Windows Default: C:/Programme/ATT/Graphviz/bin/
  *    Other Platform : /usr/local/bin/dot
  *  $wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath
  *			Describes where your actual mscgen-executable remains
  *  $wgGraphVizSettings->named
  *    Describes the way graph-files are named.
  *    named: name of your graph and its type determine its filename
  *    md5  : name of your graph is based on a md5 hash of its source.
  *    sha1 : name of your graph is based on a SHA1 hash of its source.
  *    Default : named
  *  $wgGraphVizSettings->install
  *    Gets you an errormessage if something fails, but maybe ruins your
  *    wiki's look. This message is in English, always.
  *    Default : false (not really implemented yet)
  * Features
  * - normally selects defaults for Windows or Unix-like automatically.
  * - should run out of the box
  * - Creates png (or maybe other image) + MAP File
  * - additional storage modes (see discussion below)
  *   - Meaningful filename
  *   - Hash based filename
  *   - Configurable (name/md5/sha1)
  * Storage Modes:
  * MD5:
  * + don't worry about graphnames
  * + pretty fast hash
  * - permanent cleanup necesary (manually or scripted)
  * - md5 is buggy - possibility that 2 graphs have the same hash but
  *   are not the same
  * SHA1:
  * + don't worry about graphnames
  * + no hash-bug as md5
  * - permanent cleanup necessary (manually or scripted)
  * - not so fast as md5
  * Named:
  * + Graphs have a name, now it's used
  * + no permanent cleanup necessary.
  * - Naming Conflicts
  *   a) if you have multiple graphs of the same name in the same
  *      article, you will only get 1 picture - independently if they're
  *            the same or not.
  *   b) possible naming conflicts in obscure cases (that should not happen)
  *      Read code for possibilities / exploits

 if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) die();

 * The GraphViz-Class with the essential settings
 class GraphVizSettings {
       public $execPath, $mscgenPath, $named; // Execution Parameters
      // public $uploadPath, $uploadDirectory; // where are the images/maps saved
       public $outputType, $imageFormatting; // produced image
       public $install, $info; // Information about Functionality
       public $pruneEnabled, $pruneStrategy, $pruneValue, $pruneAmount; // Pruning Parameters

 $wgGraphVizSettings = new GraphVizSettings(); // create new instance of GraphVizSettings

 * Configuration of the graphviz instance
 * if parameters are overwritten in the LocalSettings.php nothing will be changed

 //Set execution path
 if ( stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN' ) && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') ) {
 				$wgGraphVizSettings->execPath = 'C:/Program Files/Graphviz/bin/'; // '/' will be converted to '\\' later on, so feel free how to write your path C:/ or C:\\
 } else {
 				$wgGraphVizSettings->execPath = '/usr/bin/'; //  common: '/usr/bin/'  '/usr/local/bin/' or (if set) '$DOT_PATH/'

 //Set further default values for parameters
 $wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath = '';  // installation path for mscgen-renderer
 $wgGraphVizSettings->named = 'named'; // naming scheme for the maps/images
 $wgGraphVizSettings->outputType = 'png'; //can be changed to gif, svg, ...
 $wgGraphVizSettings->imageFormatting = 'false'; // Do we want to use border/position/... in comparison to the normal wiki images?
 $wgGraphVizSettings->install = false; // Do not use on Linux ... it somewhere destroys the script // Do you want error messages displayed? This can ruin your layout
 $wgGraphVizSettings->info = false; // Do you want additional info to your renders displayed?
 $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneEnabled = false; // Do you want to prune?
 $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneStrategy = 'filenumber';    //pruning strategy to use
                                                        //  filesize - limit total size of files to amount of bytes
                                                        //  filenumber - limit total number of files

 $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneValue = '10000';   //value to apply to 'pruneStrategy'
                                                 //  total file size (in bytes)
                                                 //  total number of files allowed

 $wgGraphVizSettings->pruneAmount = '0.5';  //amount by which we prune
                                              //Removes this fraction of the oldest files come prune time

 * Media Wiki Plugin Stuff

 // Check if the Wiki supports the new extension syntax
       $wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'wfGraphVizExtension';
 } else { // Otherwise do things the old fashioned way
       $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfGraphVizExtension';

  // Information about the people did this Parserhook
  $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
   'author'=>'CoffMan <>, MasterOfDesaster <mailto://>, Thomas Hummel <>',
   'url'=> '',
   'description'=>'Graphviz ( is a program/language that allows the creation of numerous types of graphs.  This extension allows the embedding of graphviz markup in MediaWiki pages and generates inline images to display.'

 * Information about the hooks used
 function wfGraphVizExtension() {
       global $wgParser;
       $wgParser->setHook( "graphviz", "renderGraphviz" );
       $wgParser->setHook( "mscgen", "renderMscGen" );
       return true;

* The rendering function for the mscgen-hook implementation
* @author Matthewpearson
function renderMscGen( $timelinesrc, $args=null, $parser=null )
        $args["renderer"] = "mscgen"; // set renderer to mscgen - not that nice, could be done better
        return renderEngine($timelinesrc, $args, $parser); // go to the "normal" rendering stuff
* The rendering function for the graphviz-implementation
* @author Thomas Hummel
 function renderGraphviz( $timelinesrc, $args=null, $parser=null )      // Raw Script data
	if (isset($args["renderer"])) {
			switch($args["renderer"]) {
            case 'circo':
            case 'dot':
            case 'fdp':
            case 'sfdp':
            case 'neato':
            case 'twopi':
                $args["renderer"] = 'dot';
  } else {
     	$args["renderer"] = "dot";
  return renderEngine($timelinesrc, $args, $parser); // go to the "normal" rendering stuff

 * The actual rendering function for handling all the stuff
 function renderEngine( $timelinesrc, $args=null, $parser=null )      // Raw Script data

             $wgUploadDirectory,      // Storage of the final image (e.g. png) & map
             $wgUploadPath,           // HTML Reference
             $wgGraphVizSettings,     // Plugin Config
             $info;										// some html-output for retracing what we did

       $info = "<h1>Graphviz Information</h1>";
       $info .= "<h2>Called render</h2>";

       /* Prepare Directories
       $dest = $wgUploadDirectory."/graphviz/";
       if ( stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN' ) && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'Darwin') ) {
           $dest = str_replace("/", '\\', $dest); //switch the slashes for windows
           $isWindows = true;
       } else {
           $isWindows = false;
       if ( ! is_dir( $dest ) ) { mkdir( $dest, 0777 ); } //create directory if it isn't there

       /* Start pruning  (if enabled) - use directory generated before
       * prune before creating a new image so that it won't be pruned right after creation
       if ($wgGraphVizSettings->pruneEnabled) {
       	prune($dest,$wgGraphVizSettings->pruneStrategy,$wgGraphVizSettings->pruneValue,$wgGraphVizSettings->pruneAmount); //prune the collection first

        /* Check renderer - renderer should be set at least in renderMscgen or renderGraphviz but for security we check agaion and set some additional params
        if ( isset($args['renderer']) ) {
            $renderer = $args['renderer'];
        } else {
            $renderer = 'dot';

        switch($renderer) {
            case 'circo':
            case 'dot':
            case 'fdp':
            case 'sfdp':
            case 'neato':
            case 'twopi':
                $mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
        				$inputOption = '';
            case 'mscgen':
                if ($wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath != null) { // check if path to mscgen is set - if not use agaion graphviz with dot
                	$inputOption = '-i ';
                  $mapDashTOption = ' -T ismap ';
                	$wgGraphVizSettings->execPath = $wgGraphVizSettings->mscgenPath; //not that nice but functional: overwrite execPath with the path to mscgen
                } else {
                	$renderer = 'dot';
                	$mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
        				  $inputOption = '';

                $renderer = 'dot';
                $mapDashTOption = ' -Tcmapx ';
        				$inputOption = '';

        /* create the command for graphviz or mscgen
        $cmd = $renderer;
        $cmd = $wgGraphVizSettings->execPath . $cmd; // example: /user/bin/dot
        if ( $isWindows ) {
            $cmd = $cmd . '.exe'; // executables in windows

       $info .= "<pre>Dir=$dest</pre>";
			 $info .= "<pre>execPath=".$wgGraphVizSettings->execPath ."</pre>";
       $info .= "<pre>named=".$wgGraphVizSettings->named ."</pre>";

			 /* create actual storagename
			 $wgGraphVizSettings->named = strtolower($wgGraphVizSettings->named);   //avoid problems with upper/lowercase

			 $storagename = str_replace("%",'_perc_',urlencode($_GET['title'])).'---'; //clean up pagename (special chars etc)

       if($wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'md5') {
             $storagename .= md5($timelinesrc);  // produce md5-hash out of the storagename !can be duplicate!
       } else if ($wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'sha1') {
             $storagename .= sha1($timelinesrc);  // produce sha1-hash
       } else { // named == 'named'
	   	 $storagename .=  str_replace("%",'_perc_',
							  substr($timelinesrc, 0, strpos($timelinesrc,'{'))  // extract the name of the graph out of the graph
	     $info .= "<pre>storagename=".$storagename ."</pre>";

			 /* check if some outputtype is specified in the wikipage - else use the default value
       if ( isset($args['format']) ) {
           $outputType = $args['format'];
       } else {
           $outputType = $wgGraphVizSettings->outputType;

			 /* inputcheck of supported image types
       if ($renderer != 'mscgen') {
       	//see supported types by graphviz itself (here only those that seem to be kind of useful) -
         switch($outputType) {
            case 'bmp':
            case 'gif':
            case 'jpg':
            case 'jpeg':
            case 'png':
            case 'svg': //for svg you need extra MediaWiki configuration
            case 'svgz': //same as for svg
            //case 'tif':
            //case 'tiff':
                $outputType = 'png';
       } else {
       	//mscgen does only support png, svg and eps
       	switch($outputType) {
       		case 'png':
       		case 'svg':
       	  	$outputType = 'png';
			 $info .= "<pre>outputType=".$outputType ."</pre>";

			 /* prepare the actual files
       $src = $dest . $storagename;      // the raw input code - needed for the renderers - e.g. /graphviz/imagename (will be deleted later on)
       $imgn = $src . '.'. $outputType;  // the whole image name -  e.g. /graphviz/imagename.png
       $mapn = $src . '.map';            // the whole map name   - e.g. /graphviz/

       $info .= '<pre>Src='.$src.'</pre>';
       $info .= '<pre>imgn='.$imgn.'</pre>';
       $info .= '<pre>mapn='.$mapn.'</pre>';

			 /* The actual commands for the rendering
			 * check first if we have to overwrite the file (if we don't use hashes) or if it already exists
       if ( $wgGraphVizSettings->named == 'named' || !( file_exists( $imgn ) || file_exists($src.".err")))
       			 $timelinesrc = rewriteWikiUrls( $timelinesrc); // if we use wiki-links we transform them to real urls

       			 // write the given dot-commands into a textfile
             $handle = fopen($src, "w");
             if (! $handle) return 'Error writing graphviz file to disk.';
             $ret2 = fwrite($handle, $timelinesrc);
             $ret3 = fclose($handle);

             $info.='<pre>Opened and closed $src, handle='.$handle.', timeelinesrc='.$timelinesrc.', ret2='.$ret2.', ret3='.$ret3.'</pre>';

						 // prepare the whole commands for image and map
             $cmdline    = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd).' -T '.$outputType.'   -o '.wfEscapeShellArg($imgn).' '.$inputOption.wfEscapeShellArg($src);
             $cmdlinemap = wfEscapeShellArg($cmd).$mapDashTOption.'-o '.wfEscapeShellArg($mapn).' '.$inputOption.wfEscapeShellArg($src);

             // run the commands
             if ( $isWindows ) {
                 $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
                 $ret = $WshShell->Exec($cmdline);
                 $retmap = $WshShell->Exec($cmdlinemap);
             } else {
                 $ret = shell_exec($cmdline);
                 $retmap = shell_exec($cmdlinemap);

             $info.='<pre>Ran cmd line (image). ret=$ret cmdline='.$cmdline.'</pre>';
             $info.='<pre>Ran cmd line (map). ret=$ret cmdlinemap='.$cmdlinemap.'</pre>';

						 // Error messages for image-creation
             if ($wgGraphVizSettings->install && $ret == "" ) {
                   echo '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.'.      "\n".'Command line was: '.$cmdline.'</tt></div>';
                   $info.= '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.'.      "\n".'Command line was: '.$cmdline.'</tt></div>';

       			 // Error messages for map-creation
             if ($wgGraphVizSettings->install && $retmap == "" ) {
                   echo '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.'.   "\n".'Command line was: '.$cmdlinemap.'</tt></div>';
                   $info.= '<div id="toc"><tt>Timeline error: Executable not found.'.      "\n".'Command line was: '.$cmdlinemap.'</tt></div>';

						 // let some other programs do their stuff
             if ( $isWindows ) {
                while ( $ret->Status == 0 || $retmap->Status == 0 ) {

             unlink($src); // delete the src right away

       /* put the produced into the website
       @$err=file_get_contents( $src.".err" );// not really used

       if ( $err != "" ) {
             $info .= '<div id="toc"><tt>'.$err.'</tt></div>'; // print error message
       } else {
             if (false == ($map = file_get_contents($mapn) )) {
                    	echo '<div id="toc"><tt>File: '.$mapn.' is missing or empty.</tt></div>';
                    	$info.= '<div id="toc"><tt>File: '.$mapn.' is missing or empty.</tt></div>';

             // clean up map-name
             $map  = preg_replace('#<ma(.*)>#',' ',$map);
             $map  = str_replace('</map>','',$map);
             if ( $renderer == 'mscgen' ) {
               $mapbefore = $map;
               $map = preg_replace('/(\w+)\s([_:%#/\w]+)\s(\d+,\d+)\s(\d+,\d+)/',
               '<area shape="$1" href="$2" title="$2" alt="$2" coords="$3,$4" />',

						 /* Procduce html
						 if ($wgGraphVizSettings->imageFormatting)
						 	$txt = imageAtrributes($args, $storagename, $map, $outputType, $wgUploadPath); // if we want borders/position/...
						 } else {
						 	$txt  = '<map name="'.$storagename.'">'.$map.'</map>'.
                     '<img src="'.$wgUploadPath.'/graphviz/'.$storagename.'.'.$outputType.'"'.
                               ' usemap="#'.$storagename.'" />';


       /* give it back to your wiki
       if($wgGraphVizSettings->info){$txt .= $info;} // do we want the information snipptes?
       return $txt;

function rewriteWikiUrls( &$source)

    $line = preg_replace(
    return $line;

     * Prunes the repository of generated files
     * @author Gregory Szorc <>
     * @author Thomas Hummel (modified only)
function prune($dest,$pruneStrategy,$pruneValue,$pruneAmount)
        $pruneList = array(); //array of files that are prune candidates
        $pruneListSize = 0; //size (in bytes) of prunable files

        $directory = new DirectoryIterator($dest);

        foreach ($directory as $file) {
        	//only look for actual files
            if ($file->isFile()) {
        		//only mark files with defined prefix as prune candidates
               $pruneList[$file->getPathname()] = $file->getMTime();
               $pruneListSize += $file->getSize();


        //so now we have our list of files

        $doPrune = false;

        //let's see if we actually need to prune
        if ($pruneStrategy == 'filesize') {
        	if ($pruneListSize > $pruneValue) {
        		$doPrune = true;
        } elseif ($pruneStrategy == 'filenumber') {
        	if (count($pruneList) > $pruneValue) {
        		$doPrune = true;
        } else {
        	throw new MWException('Invalid prune strategy.  Please read the instructions: ' . $pruneStrategy);

        if ($doPrune) {
        	//sort the files in order of modification time
            asort($pruneList, SORT_NUMERIC);

            $filesToDelete = array_slice($pruneList, 0, (int)round(count($pruneList) * $pruneAmount));

            foreach (array_keys($filesToDelete) as $file) {


    /*//every time we create a new file, we run the pruning algorithm
        //we prune first so that in case settings aren't sane, we don't prune what we create
        self::prune(); //prune the collection first

* Image Attributes (orientated on MediaWiki-Syntax like here:
* syntax is <graphviz attribute='value'>
* @author Thomas Hummel
function imageAtrributes($args=null, $storagename, $map, $outputType, $wgUploadPath)  {
       //Initialize Variables
       $varnames = array("outerDivClass","middleDivClass","innerDivClass","imageClass");
       $varnames[] = "imageStyle";
			 foreach ($varnames as $varname)
         $$varname = '';

       // Caption that is put below the image (can be overwritten by Type)
       if ( isset($args['caption']) ) {$caption = $args['caption'];}

       // Alt-Text for missing pictures, screenreaders, ... if not set use caption and at least default-String
       if ( isset($args['alt']) ) {$alt = $args['alt'];
       } elseif ( isset($args['caption'])) {$alt = $args['caption'];
       } else {$alt = "This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.";

       // For a border write <graphviz border='border'>
       if ( isset($args['border']) ) {
       	switch($args['border']) {
       		case 'frame':
       		case 'border': $imageClass .= 'thumbborder'; break;

       // Location defining horizontal alignment
       if ( isset($args['location']) ) {
       	switch($args['location']) {
       		case 'left': $outerDivClass = 'floatleft'; break;
       		case 'middle':
       		case 'center': $outerDivClass = 'center'; $innerDivClass = 'floatnone'; break;
       		case 'right': $outerDivClass = 'floatright'; break;
       		case 'none': $outerDivClass = 'floatnone'; break;

       // Alignment for the vertical alignment
       if ( isset($args['alignment']) ) {
       	switch($args['alignment']) {
       		case 'baseline':
       		case 'middle':
       		case 'sub':
       		case 'super':
       		case 'text-top':
       		case 'text-bottom':
       		case 'top':
       		case 'bottom':
       			 $imageStyle = 'vertical-align: '.$args['alignment']; break;

       // Type:
       if ( isset($args['type']) ) {
       	switch($args['type']) {
       		case 'frame':
       		case 'framed':  // little bug (optical): if you center a framed Graph there will be a border over the whole width of the wiki-page
       		  $middleDivClass = 'thumb';
       		  if($outerDivClass != null) {$middleDivClass .= ' tnone';} else {$middleDivClass = 'tright';}
       		  $innerDivClass = 'thumbinner';
       		  $imageClass = 'thumbimage';
       		  $captionDivClass = 'thumbcaption';
        	case 'thumb':
        	case 'thumbnail':
        	// Differences to the MediaWiki-Behaviour: No extra Thumbs are generated - the browser has to resize the image itself!
        	// !!Please take into consideration that the mindmap will not fit to your smaller image!!
        	  $middleDivClass = 'thumb';
        	  if($outerDivClass != null) {$middleDivClass .= ' tnone';} else {$middleDivClass = 'tright';}
        	  $innerDivClass = 'thumbinner" style="width:222px;';
        	  $imageClass = 'thumbimage" width="220px';
        	  $captionDivClass = 'thumbcaption';
        	  $caption .= ' <a href="'.$wgUploadPath.'/graphviz/'.$storagename.'.'.$outputType.'">(+)</a>';
        	case 'frameless':
        		$imageClass = '" width="220px';
        	default: // nothing specified
        	  $caption = ''; // no caption as it is defined on the wiki page
       } else {
       	$caption = ''; // no caption as it is defined on the wiki page

       // Produce the basic html
       $txt  = '<map name="'.$storagename.'">'.$map.'</map>'.
                     '<img class="'.$imageClass.'" style="'.$imageStyle.'"'.
                      'alt="'.$alt.'" src="'.$wgUploadPath.'/graphviz/'.$storagename.'.'.$outputType.'"'.
                               ' usemap="#'.$storagename.'" />';

             // Add necessary containers
             if($caption != null){
             	$txt .= '<div class="'.$captionDivClass.'">'.$caption.'</div>';
             if($innerDivClass != null){
             	$txt = '<div class="'.$innerDivClass.'">'.$txt.'</div>';
             if($middleDivClass != null){
             	$txt = '<div class="'.$middleDivClass.'">'.$txt.'</div>';
             if($outerDivClass != null){
             	$txt = '<div class="'.$outerDivClass.'">'.$txt.'</div>';

       return $txt;