
The MediaWiki logo

Ez a wiki a Wikipédiát, a Wikimedia Alapítvány által működtetett projekteket és az összes többi wiki-t működtető MediaWiki szoftverről szól.

A honlapon található szövegekre a GNU Szabad Dokumentum Licenc (GFDL) vonatkozik, kivételt képeznek ez alól a közkincsnek jelzett lapok. Minden változtatás, szerkesztés vagy új cikk beküldése ezen licencek elfogadását és alkalmazását jelenti. További részletekért lásd: Project:Copyrights

Mi a[edit]

a a MediaWikiről szól, azaz saját magáról
a egyetlen témája van: az egységes MediaWiki szoftver. A honlappal a MediaWiki alapjaiba szeretnénk Téged bevezetni. All other matters are currently still in the state of starting up (relevant contents, e.g. the MediaWiki Handbook, are stored on Meta-Wiki and should be moved with a well thought-out plan in the future ... we still have to work out the plan in detail).
A rengeteg többnyelvű lap ellenére az angol a honlap fő nyelve.
a egy MediaWiki dokumentáció lesz
  • Manual:Contents will be the front door to comprehensive MediaWiki system administration documentation.
  • Help:Contents will be the front door to MediaWiki generic site user help (licensed as public domain for easy inclusion into any MediaWiki instance).
This site therefore includes pure descriptions, advice, suggestions, and contains how-to's; this includes tutorials, walk-throughs and instruction manuals related to the subject matter.
If you are looking to write a free manual for other software, have a look at Wikibooks, which is a sister-project that is suited for such things.
a szeretne a kezdőpont lenni
This site is meant to become the first access point to the world of MediaWiki, collecting and including nearly all important information about it - in the long run.

Mi NEM a[edit]

a nem Wikipédia
a nem a Wikipédia, a szabad, mindenki által szerkeszthető enciklopédia. please read the article about the names. Amennyiben a Wikipédiát keresed, kattintsd ide.
a nem egy tárhelyszogáltató
This site is not meant to store private, commercial or any other content that is unrelated to the software MediaWiki. It is also not meant to be used as a test wiki e.g. to try out formatting (only use our Sandbox for that or have a look at our test wiki) or to create valid XHTML contents for foreign projects.
You may not host your own website, homepage, blog, or wiki at If you are interested in using the wiki technology for a collaborative effort on something else, even if it is just a single page, there are many sites that provide wiki hosting (free or for money). You can also install wiki software on your server; see the Wiki Science wikibook for information on doing this.
Of course, users can have their own personal pages, but they are used for information relevant to working on If you are looking to make a personal webpage that is not related to MediaWiki, please make use of one of the many free homepage providers on the Internet or find a suitable blog for you. Advertising, especially external links, may be removed from a user's page when there are no relevant user contributions related to MediaWiki. is not a repository of links, images, or media files
This site is neither a mirror nor a repository of links, images, or media files. Please upload only files that are useful for and provide full information on source and a free license; everything else will be deleted. Read the upload instructions carefully and consider uploading media files to the Wikimedia Commons, where they can be linked from all Wikimedia projects.
All content added to may have to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will. By submitting any content, you agree to release it for free use under the GNU FDL, or if it's stated explicitely, as Public Domain.
a nem egy hirdetési eszköz
This site is not a vehicle for (commercial) promotion or advertising, propaganda or advocacy - other than for MediaWiki itself and the Wikimedia projects. is not an indiscriminate collection of information
This site is not an indiscriminate collection of items of information about whatever. That something is dealing with any wiki or with any software issue in general does not mean it is suitable for inclusion in this site. Please try to stay on the task of creating contents concerning the software MediaWiki.
a nem egy fórum vagy egy beszélgetőszoba
Don't (mis)use this site, especially user pages and talk pages, as a forum, bulletin board or chatroom (which is a question of quantity and contents, of course). We have an IRC channel on for that: #mediawiki.
See also the recommended communications channels.

A története[edit]

The first edit in the current wiki on this site happened in August 2004. All the content still is and, of course, will be work in progress. For more about the software history see MediaWiki history.


Please see Communication.

See also[edit]

  • Introduction — multi-page intro to MediaWiki with navigation box