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Topic on Talk:Content translation

Machine translation block

Teles (talkcontribs)

I am trying to publish a translation from English to Portuguese using automatic translator. However, the system automatically prevents me from publishing it, even though I have already revised it many times. The reason is that it it too similar with the content provided by the automatic translator.

I understand the warning, but even after many revisions, I don't feel like making silly changes on the wording, just so it is different enough. Is it possible to skip that?

DarwIn (talkcontribs)

Happened the same to me, I inserted a block of random text and the stupid warning finally went away.

Ultron90 (talkcontribs)

I have been doing this for the longest time. I just add gibberish until I can publish it and then delete the gibberish once it's published. So far that's the only way.

Teles (talkcontribs)

That sometimes doesn't work either.

Ultron90 (talkcontribs)

You need to add multiple gibberish words until it's at about less than 86%.

Something like: ahsj jejeje dhjsmal hdjenej jdieje (space is important)

But not: ajajdisjejskqoejrjfjd (this counts as one word)

Teles (talkcontribs)

Thanks, Ultron! That was indeed the problem. I was adding tons os words, but with no space between them.

Wilfredor (talkcontribs)

Same situation to me

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