Topic on Extension talk:SyntaxHighlight

PHP error with message "requires shell ability"

Атомный трамвай (talkcontribs)

Enabling this extension lead to error: 1319 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ExtensionDependencyError: SyntaxHighlight requires "shell" ability: Unable to run external programs, proc_open() is disabled." All pages is blank. MW 1.39.1.

Any ideas what to do?

Keyacom (talkcontribs)

If proc_open() is disabled, you must enable it in php.ini (you can't enable it from anywhere else). Contact your hosting provider if you can't get root access.

Атомный трамвай (talkcontribs)

OK, thanks, done. But it's strange that message don't just tell to enable proc_open and confuse me with additional info. Finally, it works (while CodeEditor still don't :( ).

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