Topic on 2017 wikitext editor/Feedback

Aaron Liu (talkcontribs)

The new VE isn't as good as the "2010" editor as it currently stands. The load time is way longer than the normal editor. The realtime preview feature doesn't work though I guess this is something else. The commonly used characters at the bottom aren't there. A lot of integral toolbar functions such as syntax highlighting appear to be missing. A lot of features from VE appear to be missing, such as editing templates using the vetemplatewizard, so the only advantages this appears to provide are the cite tool and the new buchered toolbar. Just my thoughts, I appreciate the entire project behind this.

DFlhb (talkcontribs)

My two main issues are missing realtime preview, and missing syntax highlighting. The instant switching between visual & wikitext is great, but I just can't use this until those two features are built in. Realtime preview is vital, especially for template editing, but also for normal article editing. Syntax highlighting is useful to be able to easily parse visible article text from citations and other templates.

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