Topic on Talk:Talk pages project/Replying/Flow

Fix auto-indent

Summary by Whatamidoing (WMF)
Reywas92 (talkcontribs)

I had been using and switched over to try this reply tool but may need to switch back because this automatically indents a reply and doesn't seem to give an option to remove it. In particular, I cannot use this in AFD discussions because they use just a bullet point, while this uses the colon that can't be changed. Enterprisey's program automatically detects whether to indent or bullet and has an option not to do so. Also for AFDs, it would be nice if it could automatically add the comment to the bottom of the page – sometimes the reply to the original post is not where it's supposed to be. This is nice to have the visual editor though. Thanks!

Valereee (talkcontribs)

I'd love to be able to toggle out of the autoindent and at least choose a bullet, too. Neither is bothersome enough for me to stop using the tool (I used Enterprisey's previously too) but those would both be useful additions.

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