Topic on Project:Support desk

internal error with an hook

Tintinux (talkcontribs)


I have copied a mediawiki 1.33.1 from a server to another.

The original is working fine here :

I know that I must upgrade, but first I have to move it without changes to another server able to run a supported php version.

I have made myself a small extension using an hook.

On the new site I get this error, with the same code in the extension :

[X-767HO9Cu8SMC0GF1o@bgAAACM] /mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page MWException from line 164 of [path]/mediawiki/includes/Hooks.php: Invalid callback LanguageLinksHook::onOutputPageBeforeHTML in hooks for OutputPageBeforeHTML

With stack ending with :

#0 [path]/mediawiki/includes/Hooks.php(234): Hooks::callHook(string, array, array, NULL, string)

Even if the hook does nothing, I have the same error :

   public static function onOutputPageBeforeHTML( OutputPage  &$out, &$text )


       return true;


Where can be the problem ? I'm stuck !

I'm running php 7.2 and warnings are enabled on the test site.

Osnard (talkcontribs)
Tintinux (talkcontribs)

Thanks !

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