Topic on Extension talk:ConfirmAccount

Why is the confirmaccount-email-body not used on account approval

Ken Roy (talkcontribs)

I posted the question on the Support Desk


but maybe it should be posted here

I was trying to figure out why the lang.json files are not being used to send out the approval email in the language the request was submitted in by the user when I noticed the email message was very different than the "confirmaccount-email-body": in line 82 of the wiki/extensions/ConfirmAccount/i18n/requestaccount/en.json

Ken Roy (talkcontribs)

Looks like the account created email message is coming from the wiki/languages/i18n/en.json file

"createaccount-text": "The account you requested for this email address on MediaWiki ($4) named \"$2\", with a temporary password \"$3\" has been created.\nYou should log in and change your password now.\n\nYou may ignore this message, if this account was created in error.",

and is being issued by the wiki/includes/auth/TemporaryPasswordPrimaryAuthenticationProvider.php

in the function sendNewAccountEmail

It also appears that the following instruction

       $userLanguage = $user->getOption( 'language' );

does not get the language used by the user when Registering for a Username

Why is the ConfirmAccount not issuing the email?

Ken Roy (talkcontribs)

I upgraded to MediaWiki 1.35.1 over the weekend and I cannot find where the Account created email is coming from.

It now starts with

Someone created an account for your email address on TNG Wiki ...

Can someone please identify where that message is within MediaWiki 1.35.1

Installed software

Product     Version

MediaWiki     1.35.1

PHP     7.4.9 (cgi-fcgi)

MySQL     5.7.31-percona-sure1-log

ICU     63.1

Lua     5.1.5

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working on getting the ConfirmAccount Request Account form in different languages on the same wiki using LanguageSelector. Have most of it working, but cannot find where the account created message is defined. It is not in the ConfirmAccount en.json files

Thanks in advance for any help you all can provide

Ken Roy (talkcontribs)

Mea culpa,

It is heck getting old and upgrading MediaWiki software only every 3 years or so. I completely forgot that I had changed that message when I upgraded to MW 1.27.3

It would be nice though if the account approved email came from the ConfirmAccount extension confirmaccount-email-body message instead the generic createaccount-text in the wiki/languages/i18n json files

Sorry raising this issue

Marx.FelipeForte (talkcontribs)

I have the same issue, and I have to change createaccount-text for the moment to work it out.

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