Topic on Help talk:Extension:Translate

FuzzyBot Deleting Pages

Nstrole (talkcontribs)

In an effort to minimize the number of modifications made to a page marked for translation on my wiki, I started deleting pages and then recreating them with updated content. We are still in draft mode on our wiki, so I figured deleting pages would be the cleanest way to make sure the source text and translations were up to date. I have also found that editing a page marked for translation creates multiple versions of that page in the category pages ("[pagename]," "[pagename]/en," "[pagename]/fr," etc.). Deleting and recreating these pages seemed to be the best way to prevent these problems from happening.

However, hours (or even days) after recreating and marking for translation pages that have been deleted, FuzzyBot deletes the pages again. Should I have not deleted these pages in the first place? Is there a better way to go about editing a page marked for translation without causing the errors recounted above? To prevent FuzzyBot from deleting the pages again, should I restore the original pages I deleted and then edit them?

Thank you for any advice you can give!

Martin Urbanec (talkcontribs)

FuzzyBot automatically manages translation pages, and the best thing to do is to leave FuzzyBot to do its work and not touch translation-related pages manually. FuzzyBot relies at the job queue – if you feel it takes a lot of time to FuzzyBot to delete pages, once you perform an action as a translation administrator, it's possible that the job queue is being slow for your wiki

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