Topic on Talk:Content translation

Naval Scene (talkcontribs)

I think my Indonesian translation of the English article Eugen Sandow has been translated quite OK, but it cannot be published since it says 80% of the text has not been changed. Any way to solve this? Thanks ~~~~

Omotecho (talkcontribs)

@Naval Scene, hi, welcome onboard. The per centage is calculated how near your Indonesian sentence is matching the Machine Translation (MT) output. That said, have you changed word selection or phrasing which is different from which MT has offered you?

  • A very simple/stupid sample I could swiftly think of, in en-ja translation would be: MT: “My sister told me xxx”. My translation: “I was told by my sister xxx”.
  • I will make liks to place names and other objects that has its page on jawiki (in my case), so that the system knows I changed some of the original MT output.

Not a brilliant sample, I wish somebody presents you more definite resolution. Cheers,

Naval Scene (talkcontribs)

Hi @Omotechno, thanks for replying. I understand, but I think most of the MT output, besides what I already changed, are quite OK. I think I could relatively say that, since I have been editing since 2006 (contributed +25,000 edits) and have used this MT tool previously. My Indonesian translation results - if you checked - are rarely drastically changed by other Indonesian users... :-)

That said, if I can't change it, then I'll have to redo the article manually. Maybe if I may suggest, this MT tool could be added with 'trusted user/translator' score as one of the criteria in releasing the translation output.. :-) Anyway, thanks again for your kind reply, cheers to you too! :-)

Omotecho (talkcontribs)

@Naval ScenePlease forgibmve me if I misunderstood the larger image you have for this tool, I now better see your trouble. I wish I had better idea, and your suggestion to improve metrics sounds very reasonable, to welcome more experienced editors to enhance for example better terminology/phrasing that translation database would appreciate highly. If I remember correctly, a measure to retrieve your translation from tht database was discussed in the past; my memo says it was for when the system hicks up and would not output your translation. I have tried once, but as your translation this time involves a voluminous original, I am not sure if it is feasible or not. Cordially,

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