Topic on Project:Support desk

How to change footer menu ⧼contactpage-label⧽ text AND link-address?

4 (talkcontribs)

I have a MediaWiki 1.34.0 Hebrew website with just one extension - ContactPage

In my footer menu appears a link:


This link has the address:


Which leads to a not found (404) page

INSTEAD to my actual contact page:


How to change footer menu ⧼contactpage-label⧽ text AND link-address?

Hazard-SJ (talkcontribs)
TiltedCerebellum (talkcontribs)

Yep there are manual pages for each extension that explain how to use them. Thanks for linking it Hazard-SJ (talkcontribs)

I have known the manual but I didn't recall it from there - furthermore, I think that the aforementioned problem (having that link) started only after I changed my skin from Vector to Timeless so I assumed it as a bug but I admit I should have checked the manual anyway ; thank you for the refreshment.

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