Topic on Talk:Content translation

There's something wrong with the references

YTRK (talkcontribs)

I'm currently translating "Borders Railway" from English to Japanese and am having trouble with the references. For some reason, references are getting mixed up (a different reference appears instead of what should apear) and even if I fix them (by copying from the English section), it does not get saved when I close Content Translation (the text, meanwhile is saved properly). Could someone please help out with this?

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the feedback, @YTRK.

References are technically more complex to handle than what they look in the surface. Normally templates are used to structure the information of references, and those templates are defined independently by each Wikipedia community in each language. Content Translation has to find the equivalent templates, figure out the corresponding parameters to copy the information over and add those in the equivalent position of the translated paragraph.

Can you point to a specific paragraph or sentence where the problem occurs in the "Borders Railway" article? In this way I can create a specific sample for engineers to continue the investigation.


YTRK (talkcontribs)

Thank you for replying.

The "(REF)" part is where the problem is occuring. (the number is the number shown on the translating screen)

#background#Campaign to revive Borders rail (Japanese title "再開業に向けた運動"), third paragraph, first sentense (original starting with "A number of blockages"):

エディンバラ~ゴアブリッジ間の19kmでは、合計4か所の障害が指摘された。(REF24) エディンバラ・シティ・バイパスとの交点では、計画時に地元の自治体が陳情を行ったのにもかかわらず運輸省に押し切られてしまい、道路が旧線跡を200mの長さにわたって斜めに横切っていた。(REF24)(ref25) エスクバンク~ゴアブリッジ間ではA7道路の改良によって2か所で干渉が起きており、ゴアブリッジでは住宅街となってしまった部分が1か所あった。(REF26)(ref27)

These references are both supposed to be ref20, the first of the four references placed in a row at the end of the previous paragraph. REF24 shows the same content (Drysdale, Robert (8–21 January 2014). "The railway arriving in 2015". RAIL. No. 739. p. 26.) (but the number is different) and the content of REF26 cannot be seen due to it saying "reference is generated by another template and can only be seen on source code".

#background#Edinburgh Crossrail (Japanese title "エディンバラ・クロスレール"), first paragraph, second and third sentenses

駅の新設と本数の大幅増に伴う線路強化1.8kmで合わせて1000万ポンドの費用がかかったという。(REF24) スコットレールによれば、民営化(英語版)以降初の新駅を伴う再開業であり、1964年9月の4駅(ポートベロ旧駅(英語版)を含む)同時閉鎖以来のエディンバラ東部での駅の営業であるという。(REF24)

These two are suppposed to be a totaly new reference (Haigh, Philip (12–25 June 2002). "Waverley route trains return as £10m Crossrail opens". RAIL. No. 437. p. 10.) yet somehow REF24 appears (its content is also that of REF24).

YTRK (talkcontribs)

Tried to fix it again and closed then opened it. I got patial results:

REF26 is properly merged...with REF24. I don't know if this is good or not. The rest is unchanged (apart from references 27 and above decending one number).

Also, when I had finished with the REF24s & 26 in "campaign..." and was just before fixing REF24s in "Edinburgh..." (the ones that are supposed to have completely different contents), the latter REF24s had turned into another number (34 or something I think) (It should have changed to ref20 along with the first group of REF24s) with the content unchanged. Although the two groups have the content and the number (24) in common, the link between the two is not so secure as it would be expected.

I hope this helps.

YTRK (talkcontribs)

Solved it.

I was able to solve the problem by replacing ref20 with a new reference made by "re-us"ing REF24. There's still one place that it's not working, but it's not so big a deal as it used to be.

Thank you.

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