Topic on Help talk:CirrusSearch

search results in rendered form

2001:638:607:205:0:0:0:30 (talkcontribs)

For my MediaWiki Project I'm looking for a way to convert the search results from the raw (wikitext) form into the rendered form to make it look better. Is CirrusSearch able to do that? Or do you guys have any other idea how i can achieve this?

DCausse (WMF) (talkcontribs)

CirrusSearch is not able to do this, the snippets presented are issued from a text version obtained from \WikiTextStructure::getMainText(). To highlight we insert html tags at precise offsets returned by the highlighter run inside elastic, if the text indexed by elastic and the text displayed are different then you'll have to track where offsets are, basically knowing that offset 123 in the text version is at offset 342 in the rendered output. Add this to the fact that since you can't display the whole content (too big) you need to select a consistent chunk of the rendered output to display. This is very challenging in my opinion. Perhaps limiting to a set of known text formatting options might make this a bit easier but handling everything including tables sounds particularly complex.

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