Topic on Extension talk:LDAPGroups

Group mapping for usernames with underscore

Textform (talkcontribs)

When I login with a username with underscore (name_surname) groups are not mapped. If I add groups to the user manually in mediawiki, the user will be removed from all of them after a new login.

Surely I could prevent this with 'locally-managed', but that is no real solution.

With a username that has no underscores all works fine.

php LDAPProvider/maintenance/ShowUserGroups.php --domain --username wikiuser shows all the groups when I use name_surname. But obvously nothing for "Name surname".

It seems that name_surnameist changed to "Name surname" after login and LDAPGroups queries the Active Directory with that username.

How can I tell the extension LDAPGroups to "normalize" the username to name_surname before querying the groups?

Osnard (talkcontribs)
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