Topic on Project:Support desk

After upgrade from 1.31.3 to 1.33.1, editbuttons are gone [Solved: the old-style toolbuttons are gone with 1.32]

Summary by Wikinaut

Solved: the old-style toolbuttons are gone with 1.32, see Manual:Errors and symptoms#Missing edit toolbar, JavaScript not working

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

I have no idea why the editbuttons are gone after the upgrade today. I cannot find any errors in the logfiles or browser console.

Perhaps anyone has an idea where to look, to fix.

AhmadF.Cheema (talkcontribs)

Is the Edit button entirely removed, or just replaced by a View source button? Do you have permission to edit the pages?

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

Entirely removed. Yes, I have all permissions.

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

I updated in that way:

  • downloaded and unpacked the 1.33.1 tgz into directory wiki33
  • moved wiki/images, wiki/extensions, wiki/skins to /wiki33
  • in /wiki33: sudo -u www composer update
  • in /wiki33: sudo -u www composer update --no-dev
  • updated some of the extensions like Lockdown to the 1.33 versions
  • in /wiki33/maintenance su -u www php update.php (no errors)
  • switched /wiki and /wiki33, so that this becomes the active wiki

Everything else seems to be working. I have no idea how the editbutton toolbar is generated and where to start looking for it.

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

@AhmadF.Cheema Could it be an issue of of the /wiki/resourcessubdirectory? I have no idea. We put a font directory into that. Or, something with "bootstrap" ???

Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

@AhmadF.Cheema also

  • I do not see "Show edit toolbar" options in my Preferences, and
  • the WikiEditor toolbar is not loaded.
  • WikIEditor is updated, but not explictly loaded included: # wfLoadExtension( 'WikiEditor' );
  • When I load the WikIEditor, then I see the preference option for enabling the WikiEditor (activated), but not showin the toolbar then when editing
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)
Wikinaut (talkcontribs)

Great and good to know! Thanks for your help!!