Topic on Extension talk:LDAPGroups

LasseSix (talkcontribs)

4 months ago Osnard commented that nested groups should now available from . I downloaded and installed the latest Master version (Fri Aug 02 07:59:52 2019) but still fail to use nested groups regardless of using sync mechanism "allgroups" or "mappedgroups".

Running "php extensions/LDAPProvider/maintenance/ShowUserGroups.php --domain domainname --username username" only shows groups of which the user is a direct member, not groups to which the user is linked indirectly through a subgroup.

Adding "$LDAPGroupsUseMatchingRuleInChainQuery = true;" to LocalSettings.php similar to the approach of the older LdapGroups extension does not solve the issue.

Any idea how to activate this feature?

Osnard (talkcontribs)

In you domain config, you need to set connection.grouprequest to be MediaWiki\\Extension\\LDAPProvider\\UserGroupsRequest\\GroupMember::factory and connection.nestedgroups to be true.

Josef FTH (talkcontribs)

Hello Osnard,

when I set connection.nestedgroups to true in my wiki I get

.../extensions/LDAPProvider/src/Client.php: Error in LDAP search: Time limit exceeded.

When it's set to false everything is working perfectly well. Do you have a suggestion for me how to get nested groups working or am I limited to flat groups ?

Osnard (talkcontribs)

Looks like there might be some infinite nesting. You should investigate the structure on your LDAP. Are you using a Microsoft AD?

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