Topic on Talk:Content translation

It is difficult to be blocked by% of translations

Vokaanhduy (talkcontribs)

We are working on translating articles from English to Vietnamese, and we use automatic translation tools. However, we did not use 100% on it but read it carefully and edit it to match the style before posting. Recently, we were blocked by announcements that "your article has xx% is automatic translation" and unable to post them, which forced us to read it many times more (very time consuming) before posting.

It is also due to the good intentions from the management board to make the article more quality, but it will be uncomfortable and frustrating with automatic translations, although it is extremely meaningful. We had to spend more extra hour just to "add flowers and leaves" to those articles (because they were so close with the original one) that made us feel discouraged when translating articles.

Looking forward to the review of this issue

In Vietnamese (tiếng Việt)

Chúng tôi đang tiến hành dịch các bài viết từ tiếng Anh về tiếng Việt, và chúng tôi có sử dụng công cụ dịch máy

Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi không hề làm dụng 100% vào nó mà có đọc kĩ lại và chỉnh sửa cho hợp với văn phong trước khi đăng bài

Dạo gần đây, chúng tôi bị chặn bởi các thông báo “bài viết của bạn có xx% là dịch máy” và không thể đăng bài, buộc chúng tôi phải đọc kĩ thêm nhiều lần (rất mất thời gian)

Điều đó cũng là do ý tốt của ban quản trị để bài viết chất lượng hơn, nhưng như thế sẽ gây khó chịu và bức bối đối với các bài dịch máy nhưng đã cực kì sát nghĩa. Chúng tôi phải bỏ ra thêm hàng giờ đồng hồ chỉ để “thêm hoa thêm lá” vào các bài đó (vì chúng đã rất sát nghĩa rồi) làm cho chúng tôi cảm thấy nản lòng khi dịch bài

Kính mong ban quản trị xem xét lại vấn đề này

Hans Haase (talkcontribs)

When translating tables where is less translation work to do, I temporary delete such formattings and sections form die original article, beginn the translation and revert my temporary change in the original article. After publishing it and before requesting the revision import, I copy and Paste the tables with all formattings. A find and replace can do most of the translation work. If the table contains many linked articles, it is not recommended due the articles links are not adapted to each its appropriate article of the destination language.

Vokaanhduy (talkcontribs)

I rarely translate tables, I usually translate paragraphs. I have to vomit a lot of unmeaning words to reach the percent lower and lower. It takes me almost a day to edit a 1000-word-page. So disappointed.

Hans Haase (talkcontribs)

So if there are a minor number of words to translate, temporary remove this paragraphs or sections and paste them later. Same procedure same described before.

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the feedback, @Vokaanhduy.

This documentation page explains how the limits for unmodified content work currently. We have been working to adjust them, but this is an iterative process to make sure they are strict enough to prevent low quality translations but not too strict that they prevent publishing legitimate content. In order to adjust the limits we need some more details. Can you provide some more details:

  • Which article you were translating?
  • How many paragraphs you got a warning for? Which was the percentage of unreviewed content you had according to the tool?
  • From the limits described in the documentation, which are the ones you think are causing a problem for you?


Vokaanhduy (talkcontribs)

Thank you for your reply

I have translated many articles, of many different topics (mainly about football and geography). Short articles usually short face very few cases like this, but for articles longer than 1000 words, this is such a big problem. The translation tool is now almost smart, after translating, we only correct some specialized words or common language in our country so that the article is more fluent.

There are some paragraphs contain a few words, and the translation tool works very well, 100% perfect, but we are still blocked that this section has not been translated. And so we have to think hard to find a replacement word for them even though they are full of meaning (very time consuming).

We know the Wikipedia admins do this to prevent and limit poor quality translation articles, but it's too mechanical, and affects people who are always careful in translating. It makes our activities limited, we are reduced to interest in activities on Wikipedia. I don't complain about this too much, because in this automation world, all computer activities have helped people a lot, but it still has some limitations like this. Therefore, Wikipedia administrators should reduce the "strict" level of translations to save time, while enhancing the role of censors before finding a more effective solution (eg tighten member's writing rights ...)

Thank you so much and best regards

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