Topic on Extension talk:RDFIO

Properties with multiple values

Amagnien2 (talkcontribs)


RDF (here: Turtle) triples such as

:A :hasID "123", "456" ;


:A :hasID "123" ;

:A :hasID "456" ;

(which amounts to the same) can be imported by RDFIO, and the import log states that all triples were correctly imported. However, it looks like the last property value on import, here: "456", is the sole that gets retained (overwriting all previous ones).

On the other hand, there is no problem in introducing multiple values "by hand" in the SMW page, so the problem seems to be with RDFIO.


- did I possibly do something wrong? or

- is this a bug in RDFIO, and if so, how to fix it? or

- is this a necessary feature?


Airy Magnien

SHL (talkcontribs)

Hi Airy,

Ah, I think this is actually because of how RDFIO is designed. It assumes there is only one fact per unique page/property pair. I think we might not have realized that there could be a need for supporting multiple such. I'm wondering a bit what the RDF standard says about this though ... if this is supposed to be allowed in RDF, I think we should label this as a bug in RDFIO.



Amagnien2 (talkcontribs)

Hi Samuel,

Actually, I found a related issue in the SMW Git, that has been solved around April 12th. I lost track of it, however. I'll search again...

LexSMW (talkcontribs)

Hi Samuel

If you have some time, maybe you could have a glimpse at regarding importing multivalue RDF like e.g. :InFunctionalCategory "Block system", "CBI". Essentially I am using array keys that are concatenated from predicate and object values.

Please note that I have not touched any code that seems to be dealing with annotations that are somehow contained in templates. So, for now, I do not know how those cases are handled in view of my code changes.

Many thanks


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