Topic on 2017 wikitext editor/Feedback

Cymru.lass (talkcontribs)

Hey, just thought I'd let you know that the new editor breaks wikipedia:WP:WikEd, a wikitext editor many find very helpful. It has a ton of editing tools, including a RegEx search that makes cleanup of articles go a lot faster. If this editor is made the default, can you guys do something to make sure it is either still able to be disabled, or make sure it doesn't suppress WikEd from appearing in the edit pane? Thank you!

Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)
  • I think that I can safely promise that there will always be a way to switch editing environments. Otherwise, some people wouldn't be able to edit (e.g., if you use a screen reader, or you're working on a very old computer).
  • The 2017 wikitext editor also supports RegEx search, plus things like syntax highlighting. What tools do you find that you're using in WikEd that don't seem to be generally available?
Afernand74 (talkcontribs)

@Whatamidoing (WMF) See my previous comments

- A simple way to increase font size and, if possible, the font itself (via user preferences? and if possible with dedicated CSS to avoid interactions with users' site-wide custom CSS preferences)

- Allow a "ctrl+click" on a template while editing to open its template page in an other tab

- an advanced toolbar (2 rows with direct access to search and replace, browse menu per section, expanded "style text" menu...)

- Direct toolbar access to show preview (without having to go through "publish changes" and then "show preview")

- Better syntax highlighting

- Collapsible code templates to improve readability ("code folding")

Bringing eventually wikitext to feature parity with WikEd would be nice. But first graduate it :-)

John Cline (talkcontribs)
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