Topic on Talk:Parsoid

Cannot GET /localhost/mywiki/v3/transform/wikitext/to/html

Summary by Arlolra

urls with "transform" in the path only accept POST requests

Emske (talkcontribs)


I've been having trouble issuing the wikitext to html command for a whole MediaWiki page. I've tried out the parse.js program on small text, but I need to be able to convert wikitext to html for a whole page. In the long-run, I'll need to be able to do it for several pages.

I tried recreating the command listed in>_HTML_requests:


by using :


where 'localhost/mywiki' is the path to my wiki's main page (I have another page, titled 'Sandbox', located at localhost/mywiki/index.php/Sandbox that I'd like to run wikitext to html on).

However, the above command I tried out returned the following:

Cannot GET /localhost/mywiki/v3/transform/wikitext/to/html

What is the proper implementation of this command? Or should I be doing something different?

Arlolra (talkcontribs)

The domain part of /:domain/v3/page/:format/:title/:revision? is supposed to correspond to what you've defined in your config.yaml

I imagine you've got something like,

mwApis: - uri: 'http://localhost/mywiki/api.php'

 domain: 'localhost'

In which case, you'd want to query,

http://localhost:8000/localhost/v3/page/html/Main_Page or http://localhost:8000/localhost/v3/page/html/Sandbox

Note that urls with "transform" in the path only accept POST requests.


Emske (talkcontribs)

Hi Arlolra,

Thank you so much for the swift response. The latter query appears to have worked. It displayed my Sandbox page in HTML.

However, I would like the HTML code dump (preferably in a txt file, but I think JSON would also work). Is there a way to output the actual HTML?

Thanks so much again!

Arlolra (talkcontribs)


node bin/parse.js --config --domain localhost --pageName Sandbox < /dev/null

Emske (talkcontribs)

I tried that; the system couldn't find the path specified (I'm guessing /dev/null, but I can look through the parsoid or node_modules directory to try a different path).

I tried executing without < /dev/null and got:

Waiting for stdin...

What input is it waiting on? I thought the Sandbox for the --page flag wouldn't covered that?

Arlolra (talkcontribs)

If you supply an input with the --pageName argument set, it parses the input in the context of the page. If no input is supplied, it'll fetch the source for that page. If you hit ctrl-c when it says "Waiting for stdin ..." it should do what you expect. Piping in < /dev/null is another way of achieving the same thing.