Topic on Extension talk:TimedMediaHandler

TimedMediaHandler for MediaWiki 1.31

Summary by Kghbln

Documentation was adjusted.

Daniel K. Schneider (talkcontribs)

For MW 1.31 (Ubuntu 18 and PHP 7.2) I had to execute a composer update within the extension

cd TimeMediaHandler
composer update

Otherwise it could not find getid3 (sorry I lost the error trace, but if I get this again with my next installation, I'll add it)

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Probably it will be easier to add something like this to your "composer.local.json" file:

	"extra": {
		"merge-plugin": {
			"include": [

Thus you do not have to change to the extension's directory and update with Composer from wiki root. I guess this needs to be documented.