Topic on Talk:XTools

Browsable Latest global edits: jump

Summary by MusikAnimal

Feature implemented

Mik (talkcontribs)

First of all, thank you for implementing this feature. However it is missing one thing: it should be possible to jump to a specific date or page or edit# (whichever is simpler to implement). It could be even a parameter in URL. Browsing thousands of edits page by page is not very convenient.

Mik (talkcontribs)

Related thing: After getting the following error:

Error querying Latest global edits API: timeout

reloading will lead to the first page. It should retry to generate the same page that was last displayed. This again speaks for a URL parameter.

MusikAnimal (talkcontribs)

Yes the API timeout is shorter than the database query timeout, so sometimes you can hit refresh and it will show up. That much I can certainly fix.

There is a hidden feature for pagination. On the dedicated ec-latestglobal page, you can add a /50 for instance to the end of the URL to offset the results by 50. For example: We should make the URL update itself whenever you paginate through the results, so that this feature will be more obvious.

I would like to implement date filtering, too. I think that would be very helpful. We do this for about half of the tools (Page History, Automated Edits, etc.), so we should do the same for the Edit Counter to be consistent. This would also be a way to speed up the processing time. I have created phab:T202552.

MusikAnimal (talkcontribs)

The new dedicated Global Contributions tool offers date range options. This is no longer included in the Edit Counter because it is so slow.