Topic on Extension talk:Nuke

Issues with spaces in page name pattern

Jer Hughes (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to list all the pages that have a certain pattern to them, my specific case is two words separated by an x, like Blue x widget. With everything else left blank, I search for % x % with zero results found. If I remove the spaces (%x%) I get every article with an x in it, including articles like Blue x widget. Do I need to escape or use a special symbol if I'm trying to match a pattern?

Seb35 (talkcontribs)

For now, Nuke expects titles with their database-encoded form, where spaces are replaced by underscores “_” (which itself should be written as “\_” in the pattern of pages names given “_” is the SQL LIKE wildcard for matching one character). I opened today the task T234726 about this issue and proposed a patch (to be improved and reviewed), mainly to be able to use spaces but it deals also with other subtleties of MediaWiki titles like the case-insensitive first letter.

Seb35 (talkcontribs)
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