Topic on Talk:Content translation

Error: {"spamblacklist":"","result":"Failure"}

Summary by Jonpagecr

amazon references removed, and now it allows to publish

Jonpagecr (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to translate this article into Spanish (to my personal draft), but it doesn't allows me to publish, I had received the following message:

Error: {"spamblacklist":"","result":"Failure"}

I have spent a considerable amount of time to create a good quality translation. please your help

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

As Error says, article contains direct external link to, try to remove and publish article. This is AbuseFilter set by target Wiki.

Hans Haase (talkcontribs)

Try to publish as a draft in Your personal namespace by clicking the gear button before clicking the publish button. Edit the draft and remove the external links an references to amazon and other blacklisted domains.

Jonpagecr (talkcontribs)

Thank you KartikMistry, I had removed the Amazon book references and is now publiched on my personal draft.