Topic on Manual talk:Coding conventions

Formating of multiline if statements

Nikerabbit (talkcontribs)

What is the reason we recommend different format for ifs compared to functions. Here is what I mean:

function foo(
) {

$res = $obj->methodWithManyParameters(

if ( $someLongThing !== $someOtherLongTail ||
	$future > $past ||
	$future === $now
) {

# I would use:
if (
	$someLongThing !== $someOtherLongTail ||
	$future > $past ||
	$future === $now
) {

It looks inconsistent to me.

Anomie (talkcontribs)

I can't say for sure. But personally, since the if ( prefix is universally short, the first condition doesn't get visually lost like it can if you were to do

$res = $obj->methodWithManyParameters( $longVarName1,
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