Topic on Talk:Page Previews/Flow

Alsee (talkcontribs)

I just wanted to point you to a discussion at EnWiki Village Pump: Recent_user_interface_change_discussion (permalink to likely-incomplete discussion).

I suspect(?) that they encountered the feature on a different language, and I assume they thought it would be most effective to contact us in Wikipedia's main/home language.

The key fragment is this: I just wanted to register how awful a change I think it is. I respect and commend the utility of the feature; my comments are solely about forcing it on people. Some of us specifically like the Wikipedia interface for its simplicity and lack of movement. An 80-year-old user I know specifically complains about "all that moving stuff" which prevents her using many sites.

I think it well embodies the prevailing editor view on EnWiki. The feature offers an obvious utility, but default gadgets&gizmos are awful. There's a broad view valuing a certain kind of simplicity for Wikipedia.

OVasileva (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Hey, @Alsee. Currently, the feature is deployed to all Wikipedias except for English and German. It is off by default for logged-in users and on for anonymous users. Its possible this user came from a different wiki and was logged out. Also, we’ve been running some tests on English and German wikipedias where we have been delivering the feature to a very small percentage of anonymous users as well. Each preview also has a settings option from which the feature can be disabled.

2601:C0:C280:34A:BCE8:410D:F030:2B0B (talkcontribs)

Agree. Hate it. Wrongheaded from the start.

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