Topic on Extension talk:Collection

Summary by BluAlien

Solved, again the old issue with "localhost" and "192.168". I supposed that the issue was removed, but I was wrong.

There is a check for the incoming addres in file at around line 286 which returns False if the calling server (media wiki collection address) starts with 192.168 or is localhost.

Comment the statement or set its return to True. Done.

BluAlien (talkcontribs)

I'm trying to setup a render server on a Ubuntu 17.10 server, MediaWiki is 1.30 and Collection extension is the one in snapshot ba6fa49 for MediaWiki REL1_30. Render server is a separate server.

My LocalSettings is configured as:

//Extension Collection

require_once "$IP/extensions/Collection/Collection.php";

$wgCollectionPODPartners = false;

$wgCollectionFormats = array(

   'rl' => 'PDF', # enabled by default

   'odf' => 'ODT',

   'epub' => 'e-book (EPUB)',


$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveascommunitypage'] = true;

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['collectionsaveasuserpage']      = true;

$wgCollectionMWServeCredentials = "Myuser:MyPassword";

$wgCollectionMWServeURL = "http://myRenderServer:8899";

I checked my render server against Wikipedia Article with

mw-zip -c :en -o Acdc Number

mw-render -c -o test.pdf -w rl

and also with MyWiki Article with

mw-zip --username="Myuser" --password="MyPassword" -c http://myIPAddress/w -o TestPage

mw-render -c -o test.pdf -w rl

in both cases the Article was rendered correctly, but when I try to render the same Article from inside MyWiki I got the error reported down here. I checked and re-checked, the base_url path is correct. I saw and old bug about this, but It was solved since REL_1.27. Any Idea ?

new-collection 1        'http://myIPAddress/w'        'rl'

2018-01-31T02:01:08 mwlib.serve.bad >> bad base_url: 'http://myIPAddress/w'

myIPAddress - - [2018-01-31 02:01:08] "POST /cache HTTP/1.0" 200 283 0.005379

Thanks in advance.

BluAlien (talkcontribs)

Solved, again the old issue with "localhost" and "192.168". I supposed that the issue was removed, but I was wrong.

There is a check for the incoming addres in file at around line 286 which returns False il the calling server (media wiki collection addredd) starts with 192.168 or is localhos.

Comment the statement or set its return to True. Done.