Topic on Talk:Content translation

Problem to publish English Version

Huelepega (talkcontribs)

I have created an English Version of the page for Marcelino Santa María and I cannot publish it, do i need to request any kind of permissions? Little bit lost.

Thanks in advance,

Hans Haase (talkcontribs)

Publish as personal draft if destiantion article exists or user rights are missing. If the button "publish" is not accessible, zoom out the view of Your web browser to make the button accessible. In the English Wikipedia, rights are temporary restricted to users with a minimum of contributions.

Currently the en:Draft:Marceliano Santa María exists. Note: Before moving it into the article name space, first add references to allow a review and add and fill the template of an adequate biography, please to avoid deletion requests.

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

Publishing to English Wikipedia requires registered account for at least 30 days and at least 500 edits.

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