Topic on Talk:Edit Review Improvements/New filters for edit review

Excluding specific tags

Dixtosa (talkcontribs)

I know it is possible to only show specific tags. Is it possible?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

To display only specific tags, select them (thick the thick box).

There is no exclude function at the moment: you will have to select all tags you want to display to exclude the ones you don't want to see.

Dixtosa (talkcontribs)

Selecting all tags will filter out untagged articles won't they?

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Yes, select all tags will show you everything tagged.

Dixtosa (talkcontribs)

That's bad because it prevents me from creating abusefilter that could tag changes that are absolutely no harm.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

This is already the case on certain wikis. In that case people don't select harmless tags when they filter by tags.

The idea is to narrow the results you have on Recent changes by selecting particular tags, no matter which ones.

Dixtosa (talkcontribs)

I am not sure I have made myself clear. If I select all tags except for those that tag harmless changes I will get articles filtered out not only by those tags but also untagged articles. Anyways I would be pleased if devs could add this feature.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

You mean add filter to include non-tagged edits? So that you can select 3 tags and all not tagged edits for instance?

Do you have an specific example in mind?

Dixtosa (talkcontribs)


Yes, and a very specific one if you wish. In English Wiktionary we have a great gadget for adding translations visually (not a part of VisualEditor). And a great deal of changes are only adding translations through this gadget. I, as a person very far from being a polyglot, could exclude these changes because I wouldn't be able to patrol them anyways. But obviously I still want to see untagged articles while patrolling.

To be clear, I am not saying those are harmless edits, only I would not be able to patrol most of them.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

OK, got it, thanks! :)

So there is two possibilities:

  • have a "all not tagged edit" filter, so that you can filter - [translations in language XX] + [all not tagged edits]
  • have a way to exclude some tagged edits - [!translations in language YY]

The latter is complicated and has been abandoned due to the number of tags. I'll ask for the first option.

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