Topic on Extension talk:AutoSitemap

Exlude some other pages from sitemap

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Hello all. Thank you for the extension. It works fine. I would like to know if it is possible to exclude some other pages at my wiki. For example I have my own namespaces "MiWiki:Article name" So I would like to exclude all pages with this namespace. How can I do it? And It would me fine for me to exclude all images in my sitemap. How to exclude them? Thank you!

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

Hi. Add this item to you LocalSettings.php:

$wgAutoSitemap["exclude_namespaces"][] = NS_PROJECT;

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Thank you! Now I excluded all images and project pages. And the final question how to exclude the topics like this one from the list of xml sitemap?

Martynov Maxim (talkcontribs)

You can find at extension page setting "exclude_pages"which excludes certain pages from sitemap.

Fokebox (talkcontribs)

Hi all and thanks for replies. I have set the extension as I wanted!