Hi, could someone help with a problem with time and dates please?
I have created a number of "On this day" pages, with each one having a title with the format Month space Date, eg, "May 27", "June 1" etc.
I then added the line {{#ifexist:{{#time: F j}} | *[[{{#time: F j}} | On {{#time: F j}} in SVR history]] }} This checks to see if a page with today's date exists. If it does, it creates the link and adds it to a bulleted list, if not, it returns a blank. This worked fine when logged in, but always defaulted to the date of the last page edit when not logged in, presumably because the parser function takes "the time the page was last rendered into HTML."
I changed the line to {{#ifexist:{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}} | *[[{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}} | On {{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{CURRENTDAY}} in SVR history]] }} thinking this would force it to read the current date, but it's exactly the same. I've tried ...title=Main_Page&action=purge and that didn't fix it. It works perfectly when logged in, but as soon as I log out, it reverts back to the date of the last page edit.
Is there a way of fixing this please? It's on the front page and aimed at visitors who will probably not be logged in when they see it, so I could do with having it working properly. It's at www.svrwiki.com if you want to take a look.
Thanks in advance.