Topic on Extension talk:CookieWarning

Summary by Kghbln

Use "MediaWiki:Common.css" to adapt the look and feel.

Renamed user dj65cf874dfh44 (talkcontribs)

Hi User:Kghbln, you were helpful with the WikiMedia messages. Where do you suggest I override the CSS that is in CookieWarning/resources/ext.CookieWarning.less ?

In particular, the classes:

  • .mw-cookiewarning-container
  • .mw-cookiewarning-text
  • .mw-cookiewarning-dismiss, a

Should I just put that in common.css ?

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Affirmative. I you only want to apply to a specific skin that would e.g. be Vector.css but this does not seem useful in this case.