Topic on Project:Support desk

Using the API respectfully

3 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I'm really new to using API's and I want to make sure I don't accidentally overload the system with requests and get suspended. The program I am creating will most likely be making a lot of requests, how can I prevent overloading the system? If I make the requests in sequence and not all at once, is this enough? Thank you so much for the help!

MarkAHershberger (talkcontribs)

There are a TON of API users. While I won't say there are no rules about respectul use -- a user agent with your info is a good start -- I would say that at this point you shouldn't worry about overloading the system. Make sure your API user has a connection to you (user agent info and account used) and you should be good for now. Parallel requests are (probably) fine. You can learn more as you go.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Using the API respectfully"