Topic on Skin talk:Chameleon

No composer.phar after installing composer

Noloader (talkcontribs)

Please forgive my ignorance... We are on a CentOS 7 VM. We installed composer per Skin:Chameleon instructions via Yum. We also have a `composer.json` in the root of the wiki.

However, php composer.phar require mediawiki/chameleon-skin "1.*" fails to execute. `find / -name 'composer.phar'` returns 0 hits. We also tried composer require mediawiki/chameleon-skin "1.*", but there is no Chamelon skin after restarting Apache.

Perhpas Skin:Chameleon can provide a Tarball, Zip or GitHub project to clone. We have not had any problems except for the one-off of using Composer to install the skin.


F.trott (talkcontribs)

Hi. Remember that to actually activate Chameleon as the default skin of your wiki, you need to include $wgDefaultSkin='chameleon'; in your LocalSettings.php.

A tar ball release is regularly brought up. The problem is that Chameleon has a number of dependencies. Some of them are included out of the box in newer versions of MediaWiki, some of them are not.

To produce a tar ball it would be necessary to patch the skin itself (because dependencies installed using a tar ball will end up in a different location then the ones installed by the current Composer-based installation process) and to work out a script to build the package (or rather packages, one per MW version). If somebody were to work on that it would be highly appreciated. See docs on GitHub.

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