Topic on Talk:Structured Discussions

Sunpriat (talkcontribs)

- posts are "in the box" (a nickname, menu, answer, date)

- this adds parasitic text to the flow - conversation flow is interrupted disturbing "answer*thank" - it reads, it interferes

- left part of the flow is obtained overloaded text "nick-message-answer*thank...again"

- sequence "line-answer-line-nick-line" visually takes unforgivable plenty of space in the debate, eats space adding ragged white void "in the center" between "answer-date nick-menu"

- words answer*thanks constantly falls in the "read the post" - when you read posts in a row on the board is obtained as the radio traffic "A-bbbbb-c-d, A-bbbb-c-d..."(nick-message-answer*thank). This "thank" can be safely moved to the menu, or replace per symbol that is not read mentally

- bold nick dominates the text. Message is important and not the one who wrote it. If this is done in order to improve the vision of people with low vision, then again, it is more important than the appearance of the text and not the author.

This is variant image

div > .flow-post-meta { position: absolute; top: 0em; float: right; right: 3em;} .flow-post-timestamp {float: left;} .flow-post-meta-actions {float: none;} div > .flow-post-content {margin-top: -0.5em;}

- the bottom line is raised up to the menu, and the discussion has become "easier" to read from top to bottom on the left

another variant - button "compact view". which would move messages closer to each other, and additional text is shown only when you hover over the message.

Trizek (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Thank you for these suggestions. Your feedback is shared by other users, that have suggested changes like yours. We need to have a look at it.

At the moment, no further improvements will be made until a clear roadmap has been defined. That will happen in a few months from now. More information about that will be posted on the new Collaboration team products newsletter.

Sunpriat (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Heavy view"