Topic on Extension talk:BlockAndNuke

Users Already Block&Nuked Still in List

MAHR88 (talkcontribs)

When going to blockandnuke special page, a user list appears. The user list grows and grows, and always includes members that have already been blockandnuked. Will this eventually slow down the system too much with scrips until it won't function? My list has about 20-30 on it now, and it requires 3-5 minutes to complete, and one refresh of browser. Also there is no 'check all' 'uncheck all' feature.. So the only way to manually choose to blockandnuke unblocked members is by unchecking them all.

I think two solutions are to include a 'uncheck all' function in newer version, or don't populate the list with already blocked users.

Please let me know if there is already a workaround to this I don't know about.

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