Topic on Project:Support desk

Categories are not created.

9 (talkcontribs)

Category are not created when added to a page, rows are not added to the category database.

I've set $wgJobRunRate = 1;

$wgRunJobsAsync = false;

But still the same thing.

I am unable to generate categories on my wiki ... (talkcontribs)

See Manual:$wgRunJobsAsync!

It is recommended to set $wgJobRunRate to something higher than 1 - and depending on how your wiki is used, it may still take some time until all jobs got done, especially if you don't use the runJobs.php script. (talkcontribs)

Yeah but i said i 've already put that to false but still nothing goes into category. And i cannot launch maintenance script :( (talkcontribs)


$wgJobRunRate = 2;
This post was hidden by (history) (talkcontribs)

I finally tried a rebuildAll.php and got that :

Refreshing links tables.

Starting from page_id 1 of 606.

Une erreur de requête de base de données s’est produite.

Requête : INSERT  INTO `wiki_job` (job_cmd,job_namespace,job_title,job_params,job_id,job_timestamp,job_sha1,job_random) VALUES ('refreshLinks','6','Affiche-film-avengers-ere-ultron.jpg','a:6:{s:5:\"table\";s:10:\"imagelinks\";s:9:\"recursive\";b:1;s:13:\"rootJobIsSelf\";b:1;s:16:\"rootJobSignature\";s:40:\"4a22e2e8e64e9fee8cd62ff97bee0a4403f6f140\";s:16:\"rootJobTimestamp\";s:14:\"20160930113140\";s:9:\"requestId\";s:24:\"a2875439b3b26dc757610d12\";}',NULL,'20160930113140','s1xl8sj4m8jipt34u190snclc3dvzcm','2051415256')

Fonction : JobQueueDB::doBatchPush

Erreur : 1048 Column 'job_id' cannot be null (10.0.*.*) (talkcontribs)

Oki so if i put 'job_id' as not null in MySQL i have an exception when editing the page but the category is created. Someone has a idea ? (talkcontribs)

Please make sure that your database columns have the correct format!

E.g. for the column job_id of the job table, this is

| Field               | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| job_id              | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment | (talkcontribs)

My database was different i have made the changes not it is working !

I am gonna quote V for Vendetta as a thanks ! You have saved my projeft !!!

"I don't know who you are. Or whether you're a man or a woman. I may never see you or cry with you or get drunk with you. But I love you. I hope that you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better, and that one day people have roses again. I wish I could kiss you."

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