Topic on Project:Support desk

First Login Issue: Problem with Sending Credentials

MarcelDueerkop (talkcontribs)

Hello Everyone, I know this is a long read but please help, I am edging towards insanity. I have setup Media Wiki on a few Virtual machines to play around with without any issues. Now I want to get it running on my ODroid XU4 with eMMC running a Debian called Armbian. MediaWiki version 1.27.1

Whenever I try to login (for the first time) it gives me a session error: "Es gab ein Problem bei der Übertragung deiner Benutzerdaten. Diese Aktion wurde daher sicherheitshalber abgebrochen, um eine falsche Zuordnung deiner Änderungen zu einem anderen Benutzer zu verhindern. Bitte gehe zurück zur vorherigen Seite, lade sie erneut und versuche, den Vorgang erneut auszuführen." This translates to There was a Problem with sending your login credentials. To Prevent damage to others the action has been interrupted.... refresh and try again.

Sadly refreshing does not work.

To try and solve the Issue I have tried the following steps:

1) PHP can write to the Sessions Directory, there are files being created.

2) Added session_save_path("tmp"); to the LocalSetting.php file and created the folder. Error still persists. The folder permissions were set to 777.

3) $wgSessionsInMemcached = true; # optional, still the same error

4) Checked if there is enough Disk Space, there is.

5) Added All Privileges to wikiuser on the Database

To try to figure out more I have turned on Logging with the following result from a login try:

I fail to see an error here, only that things are being marked "dirty"

Start request POST /w/index.php/Spezial:Anmelden



CONNECTION: keep-alive


CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=0



USER-AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36

CONTENT-TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

ACCEPT: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8


ACCEPT-ENCODING: gzip, deflate

ACCEPT-LANGUAGE: en-US,en;q=0.8,pt;q=0.6

COOKIE: lisa_wiki_session=tn01m531t4620galnjof1vd315o189h7; mw_installer_session=dnvgbsojlvrglg5b56ok63mn24; PHPSESSID=facu7btbs5rm284hun5n891l92; wiki_lisa_session=si8jdotcgglfn5mthhc9l0so1huasacg; lisa_wiki_lisa_session=m4284liuqkucvv2oe2kdjvtv8drhbote

[caches] cluster: APCBagOStuff, WAN: mediawiki-main-default, stash: db-replicated, message: APCBagOStuff, parser: APCBagOStuff, session: APCBagOStuff

[caches] LocalisationCache: using store LCStoreCDB

[session] Session "m4284liuqkucvv2oe2kdjvtv8drhbote" requested without UserID cookie

[session] SessionBackend "m4284liuqkucvv2oe2kdjvtv8drhbote" is unsaved, marking dirty in constructor

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: Generating cryptographic random bytes for MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->generateSessionId/MWCryptRand::generateHex/MWCryptRand->realGenerateHex/MWCryptRand::generate/MWCryptRand->realGenerate

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: mcrypt_create_iv generated 20 bytes of randomness.

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: 0 bytes of randomness leftover in the buffer.

[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" metadata dirty due to ID reset (formerly "m4284liuqkucvv2oe2kdjvtv8drhbote")

[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" save: dataDirty=1 metaDirty=1 forcePersist=0

[cookie] setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisa_session", "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t", "0", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaUserID", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaToken", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "forceHTTPS", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" save: dataDirty=1 metaDirty=1 forcePersist=0

[cookie] already set setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisa_session", "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t", "0", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaUserID", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaToken", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "forceHTTPS", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already set setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisa_session", "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t", "0", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaUserID", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "lisa_wiki_lisaToken", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"

[cookie] already deleted setcookie: "forceHTTPS", "", "1440880079", "/", "", "", "1"


[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" Taking over PHP session

Fully initialised

[MessageCache] MessageCache::load: Loading de... local cache is empty, got from global cache

Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser::firstCallInit from MessageCache->getParser

Parser: using preprocessor: Preprocessor_DOM

Unstubbing $wgLang on call of $wgLang::_unstub from ParserOptions->__construct

QuickTemplate::__construct was called with no Config instance passed to it

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: Generating cryptographic random bytes for PasswordFactory::generateRandomPasswordString/MWCryptRand::generateHex/MWCryptRand->realGenerateHex/MWCryptRand::generate/MWCryptRand->realGenerate

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: mcrypt_create_iv generated 7 bytes of randomness.

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: 0 bytes of randomness leftover in the buffer.

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: Generating cryptographic random bytes for MediaWiki\Session\Session->getToken/MWCryptRand::generateHex/MWCryptRand->realGenerateHex/MWCryptRand::generate/MWCryptRand->realGenerate

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: mcrypt_create_iv generated 16 bytes of randomness.

MWCryptRand::realGenerate: 0 bytes of randomness leftover in the buffer.

[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" data dirty due to dirty(): LoginSignupSpecialPage->getFakeTemplate/SpecialUserLogin->getToken/MediaWiki\Session\Session->getToken/MediaWiki\Session\Session->set/MediaWiki\Session\SessionBackend->dirty

[session] SessionBackend "4kcd10qtaidbb73dfcrbbict9agdan6t" save: dataDirty=1 metaDirty=0 forcePersist=0

MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: all transactions committed

MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: pre-send deferred updates completed

[connect] Connected to database 0 at localhost

[MessageCache] MessageCache::load: Loading en... local cache is empty, got from global cache

OutputPage::sendCacheControl: private caching;  **

LoadBalancer::reuseConnection: this connection was not opened as a foreign connection

Request ended normally

[session] Saving all sessions on shutdown

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in Advance for any input!

Phispi (talkcontribs) (talkcontribs)

The suggested line in LocalSettings.php worked for me! Thanx.